Correspondent JP Pagán was out early this morning in Carroll Gardens to do his civic duty and take part in this day on which history is likely to be made. Here is his report:
This was the scene about 6:45 this morning at PS 58. A poll worker said they got started at 5:30 and he’d be working straight through ’til 9. The whole thing took about 15 minutes and overall it seems things went smoothly, though I did hear another poll worker asking someone about a problem with a lever. There were also a few of us who tried to enter on the Carroll side, only to walk into a mostly empty school. There were no signs on that side of the school though someone I spoke to said they were working on it. FYI, the booth entrance is on 1st Place. Bonus: there’s a bake sale! Organic brownies, “Red, White and Blue” muffins, lots of cookies—even tea and coffee. Most items are a buck. Donations are most definitely welcomed.
So, very early on, a smooth South Broooklyn experience, but long lines are being reported everywhere. Brownstoner has a vid from flickr.
–JP Pagán
UPDATE: “Went back at about 10am. Lines are a little longer, but not terrible. District 71 line seems to be the longest Still food & coffee left at the bake sale.”
3 responses so far ↓
1 merc // Nov 4, 2008 at 10:06 am
Had button and lever problems in District 70 too in Manhattan. Swear the Obama switch was either purposely broken or just overused. Voting took about an hour (8:30 – 9:20)
2 Tyler // Nov 4, 2008 at 11:48 am
Why didn’t my polling place have a bake sale?! The PTA or whatever at the elementary school could have made a fortune… AND a chocolate cupcake or a brownie would have been a perfect way to wrap up voting.
3 Jim // Nov 4, 2008 at 2:22 pm
Yeah, the lever problem at that Carroll Gardens location this morning was in the voting machine for the 85th district. (Mine, of course.) The lever tended to jam up and often took three or four tries to pull — often moving the entire machine several inches forward in the process. During these wrestling matches, a number of people reported some of their Xs were disappearing, but not others. I saw close to a dozen voters complain about this, worried their votes weren’t properly tallied, but to no avail.