Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

More Fun with Energy Scams: Passing Gas Edition

November 23rd, 2008 · 5 Comments

Ah, it’s not just IDT Energy that is making people insane and/or possibly scamming them. No, companies are giving people gas, so to speak, as well. Per an email on the Carroll Garden Neighborhood Association list with the subject line “Making Me Crazy!” we have this:

I have received in person and now, phone solicitations from VERY persistent telemarketers at “Energy Services Company”. At first, due to language difficulties, I understood the callers to be from KeySpan. I have been badgered, cajoled and infuriated at their repeated requests to call me back in 15 min, 1 hour, 2 hours while I go get my bill so they can offer me an energy savings. I called NatGrid and the rep confirmed that the calls,etc. are coming from their competitor, Energy Services Company. Any suggestions on how to stop them from calling? I know they’ve already been “exposed” on cable TV, but I haven’t seen anything in the dailies. Ideas?

So, it’s the gas companies too. What puzzles us, given the number of stories that “mainstream” media enjoy, uh, picking up from news and neighborhood blogs, why no one has touched these stories. This is one we’d enjoy having stolen expanded upon by the dailies or even the Brooklyn print weeklies. In the meantime, until some lazy reporter enterprising print journalist decides to appropriate this story and make it his/her own do some serious original investigative reporting, check out this flier from Concerned Citizens of Greenwood Heights on how to avoid getting scammed. Also, paging: Betsy Gotbaum, Bill de Blasio, David Yassky, Tish James, Daniel Squadron, Joan Millman, Marty Connor, etc. If ever there were a situation that called for some pro-active political maneuvering, if not legislating, this is it. Your constituents–many of them elderly and relatively defenseless against these sharks–are being scammed. Help them, please.

Tags: Carroll Gardens · Energy Scams

5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 ccgh // Nov 23, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    Ready, willing and able to blow this open…with as many folks as possible…blogs leading the way. The consumerist has had this for a while anthe NYDN had something 2 years ago, but the “other “press and politicos need to GET UP TO SPEED, flyer or not.

    Thanks, GL.

  • 2 Miss Heather // Nov 23, 2008 at 7:55 pm

    I’ve contacted Nydia Velazquez and Joe Lentol. Way to go, ccgh!

  • 3 dw // Nov 24, 2008 at 10:30 pm

    Don’t worry. Gersh and pals are on it like white on rice.

  • 4 ellen // Nov 24, 2008 at 11:51 pm

    did you notice that you start off by stealing content from the carroll gardens group – verbatim! – and then go on to complain about journalists stealing content from you?


  • 5 newyorkshitty.com » Blog Archive » Spotted On Humboldt Street… // Dec 2, 2008 at 5:56 pm

    […] logo they were confirmed. For more information about what IDT Energy is up to check out this post on the Gowanus Lounge or check out this flier the one man* army over a Concerned Citizens of […]