It’s Sunday and, so, time for the pathos, comedy, sadness and longing of Missed Connections on Craigslist. Today, we don’t have a specific loction, just, well…you’ll see:
How am I suuposed to talk to you? You terrify me. – w4m
I noticed you after I moved to Brooklyn a few months ago, and I have been secretly smitten ever since. I don’t know who you are, what your name is or anything about you, but I do know that you make my heart flutter and my stomach flip. Today, when you were sitting next to me, my legs were shaking involuntarily because I was so nervous. I hoped you didn’t notice and unfortunately, it only made me more timid about talking to you. I’m also afraid that the reality won’t be as savory as my fantasy because in reality, you probably live with your girlfriend or are a real jerk. You don’t look like a jerk though, you look like the kind of guy I want to make out with immediately. I assure you that I’m not a crazy stalker, we just happen to have corresponding schedules, but admittedly, I do spend an extra two minutes getting ready hoping that I see you. Let’s talk one day soon, I think it would be fun.
So, talk to the guy already.