Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Development Notebook: Will Giant Fart Cloud Bldg. Blow Over?

December 30th, 2008 · No Comments

We have got to say that in watching hundreds of poorly built condos go up over the last five or six years in Brooklyn, we’ve rarely seen a piece of crap as flimsy looking as the gem we call the Giant Fart Cloud Building, because it replaces a cabagge processing factory that used to give the corner that distinct and lucious “who farted?” aroma. It’s gotten bigger since we last looked, too. The reader who sent us these piece of the Rising Fart Cloud writes: “We watch this building going up and are scared that is going to blow over…It is currently 5 floors, with a 6th yet to come. It is so narrow and does not look like solid construction…A new building is going up next to it (on N 10th and Roebling), not sure if it is part of the same structure or not…” Yes, it is. These will be rental buildings and we’re really curious to see if they turn out as badly as things seem to be looking.

Tags: Williamsburg