Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

The Sad Little Astroland Memorial: A Slideshow

January 6th, 2009 · 4 Comments

This is the sad little “shrine” that’s appeared at the boardwalk gate to Astroland in Coney Island, which is in the process of being dismantled. The destruction of this little amusement park at this point in time is pointless, counterproductive and disgusting. All those responsible–and there are many–should hang their heads in shame at what they are doing to Coney Island.

Tags: coney island

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 these nuts // Jan 6, 2009 at 1:23 pm

    Will you find it in your heart, R.S. Guskind, to limit some of the depressing and fairly useless bombardment of Coney Island Death Watch?

    It’s making your readers depressed and looking elsewhere for interesting blogs / posts.

  • 2 rsguskind // Jan 6, 2009 at 4:37 pm

    I’m sorry you find it depressing. Clearly, if you’ve been reading you know I find it very sad. I disagree that it is useless, however. Mainstream media is not covering the story well and I believe it’s important to create a public record of what is happening. I wasn’t even able to personally bring myself to visit Coney Island from the closing of Astroland until Saturday for a large number of reasons. I’m sorry you find it depressing–please skip the coverage if you dislike it and read other posts that are more positive or useful to you. Best, Bob

  • 3 electricia // Jan 6, 2009 at 5:38 pm

    Dear “these nuts”….

    Robert Guskind is an astute observer of Coney Island. The best in NY media! The NY Times & The Daily News have abdicated their responsibility to cover Coney Island except for the hot dog eating contest and other entertainments. The NY Post is generally a tool of Thor Equities. MSM does theeir reporting by picking up news from the blogs.

    Bob’s coverage of the destruction of Coney by the powers that be is necessary reading. Pretty soon the people’s playground will be history, like the rest of old New York. The news is sad and depressing. But it is NOT useless. If you need a dose of unreality, go watch MTV or whatev,,,

    Anyone who has an ounce of civic responsibility, please attend the Muncipal Art Society meeting in Coney Island on Jan 14.
    “It is critical that we demonstrate to the decision-makers that New Yorkers passionately believe that Coney Island should become a great amusement and entertainment destination once again. So please join us on January 14 at 6.30PM, where the MAS will be participating in a public meeting in Coney Island at Our Lady of Solace Church.”

  • 4 The Tweet Smell of Success - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com // Jan 7, 2009 at 12:41 pm

    […] homage to Astroland in a slightly depressing slide show. [Gowanus […]