Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Behold the Site of the New Greenpoint Starbucks

February 17th, 2007 · No Comments


In case you haven’t heard, Greenpoint is getting its first Starbucks. This has many implications, first and foremost that Greenpoint is blazing the trail for Grande Chai Soy Lattes before Williamsburg. Once upon a time, the building was movie theater called The American and, before that, the Chopin. Most recently, it housed a Burger King. Also, Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory is opening up a Greenpoint branch as recently reported on New York Shitty, which opined:

This does not strike me as the most appropriate business venture to pursue this time of year, but then again at least it isn’t (yet) another bank or Thai restaurant. This ‘hood needs more pad Thai as much as it needs more dog shit: both are already in overabundance in my not-so-humble opinion.

The, uh, scoop on the ice cream was part of the 2007 Crap Map post. Thank you, Miss Heather.

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