Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Boerum Hill Con Ed Project From Hell

February 17th, 2007 · No Comments

Con Ed

What is the mysterious Con Ed project on Hoyt Street in Boerum Hill? We don’t know. What we do know is that a friend emailed us about work crews showing up at all hours of the night, parking beneath her window, making noise and descending into manholes. For several months. She writes of this Hoyt Street Hell:

I have been suffering at the hands of Con Ed for months now, they have been parked outside my bedroom window and working in the manhole on the street. The problem is simple–they show up at all hours and they work through the night, they run their vans and make an excessive amount of noise. Last night they arrived at 1:52am! I have become conditioned to fear any loud car noises outside my window. Two weeks ago Fed Ex parked there and I went into panic mode…

If you are wondering why I haven’t complained to a higher authority, I have. I have called 311, Con Ed, my City Councilman, my State Senator, my Community Board. Fuggetabouit…

The mysterious Con Ed Project From Hell has been ongoing for several months and we’ve personally witnessed the trucks out there at different times of the night. Good to know that city government and elected officials are responsive when Con Ed crews work under your window nightly at 4AM for several months.

Con Ed Night

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