The always excellent B61 Productions blog devoted to Red Hook reminded us that we’d forgotten to run an item about Off the Hook’s spring shows this weekend. There are two more shows today (Saturday, June 10) at 3PM and 7PM. They take place at PS 15, which is located at 71 Sullivan Street. The plays on the program are written and performed by Red Hook teens and the show is free. Call 718-596-5298 for information.
Going to the Hook on this fine, sunny and rain-free day? B61 has a superb guide to what’s going on. Do the Red Hookites a favor, though, if you do head down–drive nice and be cool. Even better, bike on over. The Brooklyn Papers report this week on what residents and those who frequented the nabe in quiet days know: The level of traffic and commotion has risen dramatically since the Fairway opened a few weeks ago.