Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Kent Avenue the Way It Was (A Long Time Ago in Film)

March 7th, 2007 · No Comments

Williamsburg blogger I’m Not Sayin’ I’m Just Sayin’, who produces one of our favorite Brooklyn blogs chock full of original reporting, has been on a roll this week. First, he caught up with some Splasher-like American Apparel advertising on N. 6th Street. Now, he’s posted up some very cool screencaps from a film called Pickup on South Street. INSIJS writes:

A couple of weeks back, a reader tipped us off to this scene from the 1953 Richard Widmark film Pickup on South Street. The picture was released as a Criterion Collection DVD in 2004, and though we’re not generally fans of noirs that don’t follow pinot, the flick was pretty darn good.

Note the building at right – 150 Kent Avenue, whose demise we chronicled in an earlier post. Here it is again in the film, from a slightly different angle: still part of the BEDT complex. And again in the foreground of this late 2004 photo, with the former waste transfer facility still standing where the Northside Piers luxury tower now rises…

INSIJS has posted a couple of more caps in a small flickr set. Cool stuff.

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