Earlier today, we noted over at Curbed an apparent split between Brooklyn developer Shaya Boymelgreen and Israeli mulitnational businessman Lev Leviev, the development heavies known as Leviev Boymelgreen. The relationship between the two, according to Globes Online has “soured” and they have “decided to end their collaboration.” Israeli tycoon Nochi Dankner is said to be Boymelgreen’s new partner. (Dankner Boymelgreen? Dankelgreen? Boymeldankner?) Last week, we related a Miami Herald report that Boymelgreen and Leviev had sold their Miami holdings for $89 million, due in no small part to the tanking Miami real estate market.
The state of such things is, of course, of interest to GL, since Leviev Boymelgreen‘s handprints are visible all over Brooklyn, particularly in Gowanus, Park Slope and Boerum Hill. The company has several condo projects on Fourth Avenue and has proposed building Gowanus Village. Interestingly, Boymelgreen may be outsourcing some of his development work, as the new team is said to be big on commercial and residential development in India and Israel.
Gowanus or Goa? Stay tuned.
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1 Anonymous // Jun 19, 2006 at 3:32 pm
Gowanus Industrial Urban Renewal Program (GIURP)
Feb 11, 1971 to run for a period of 40 years.
In the deed to this property, BLK 967 Lot 24, there is “a covenant to use the Property for industrial and manufacturing purposes. This covenant shall run for the duration of the controls of said plan and shall expire on Feb. 11, 2011.” This covenant is part of the deed to this property; and it is the deed with this covenant that LevievBoymelgreen’s LLC purchased.
The Board of Estimates has the power to dispose of this property in Urban Renewal Areas at a negotiated price with out public auction as long as the sale furthers the Urban Renewal Plan–thus the covenant requiring manufacturing or industrial use.
The site map of the GIURP runs from Bond to 4th Ave with the North boundary set at the 1st Street basin and 1st Street. The irregular south boundary runs to Hamilton.
When the GIURP Project Boundary and Land Use maps were published in the early 1970’s the 1st Street Basin was shown as water and the old power house building on BLK 967 LOT 1, was intact with building line on the 1st St Basin. This water basin has been filled in with unknown materials by an unknown party. The Army Corp and the State of NY want to know who is responsible.
In December of 1972, NYC Transit Authority surrendered BLK 967 LOT 1–the Power House lot that shares the block with the Jewish Press–to the Board of Estimates. In 1975 the city sold to a Caviro Realty, 218,000 with a 145,000 morgage.
The deed was passed between Caviro Realty, Harko Realty and 26 Realty, as tax leans were discharged. Over the years the site was broken into partial lots and ended in the hands of Harko Realty who passed it to the Gowanus Village LLC.
During this “Urban Renewal” time period, it appears that the primary industrial activity of this block was the stock piling of solid waste of unknown origins. The elevation of the block rose from 7-8 feet to 18-19 feet.
The only city records for the fill on this block is a 1997 DOB filing under new DOB on-site/off-site requirements to file for construction fill. Here construction fill from 1080 McDonald Ave was placed on block 967 lot 24–the Jewish Press.