The massive Coney Island fence created by Thor Equities and developer Joe Sitt totals more than three blocks of street frontage, including a long chute-like area on Stillwell Avenue that could become a magnet for crime during the 2007 season unless ways are found to enliven the now-dead streetscape. Mr. Sitt’s Humongous Plywood Fence is already becoming tagged up, and will continue to provide a gift to photographers seeking a juxtaposition of summer fun and urban decay. We apologize for the large number of photos, but pictures are worth thousands of words.
Coney #1: Thor’s Coney Island Improvements Working
April 23rd, 2007 · No Comments
The massive Coney Island fence created by Thor Equities and developer Joe Sitt totals more than three blocks of street frontage, including a long chute-like area on Stillwell Avenue that could become a magnet for crime during the 2007 season unless ways are found to enliven the now-dead streetscape. Mr. Sitt’s Humongous Plywood Fence is already becoming tagged up, and will continue to provide a gift to photographers seeking a juxtaposition of summer fun and urban decay. We apologize for the large number of photos, but pictures are worth thousands of words.
Tags: coney island · Thor Equities