1) The rumor floating around in Coney Island circles is that Astroland, which is scheduled to close for good after the summer season and whose rides are up for sale online, will be given a one-year stay of execution. Owner Carol Albert sold to developer Joe Sitt last year and almost immediately began asking for more time on the current site and saying she would like to relocate to another property in Coney Island. (There is only one site that would fit her particulars, the land to the east of Keyspan Park.) In any case, a one-year extension is plausible if Mr. Sitt is negotiating with the city and the redevelopment timetable would only leave the land a vacant eyesore for the 2008 season. Mr. Sitt could easily trade a one-year hold on demolition for a concession he wants from the city. Or, it could be a move to temper some of the hostility toward his project. Alternately, it could very well be a baseless rumor. Interesting enough, though, to pass along. At this point in the weird Astroland saga, nothing would surprise us.
2) The Coney Island/Brighton Beach spot that was supposed to become a glassy highrise called The Sochi at 275 Sea Breeze Avenue, is apparently up for sale. It’s listed as offering “unobstructed ocean views with plans for a residential condominium tower and a community facility located on the north side of Sea Breeze Avenue through to the south side of West Brighton Avenue between Ocean Parkway and West 5th Street in the Brighton Beach Section of Brooklyn.” The building on the site can rise to 27 stories.
The property originally went for $13.8 million. No word on what it will bring now.
1 response so far ↓
1 Preworn // Jun 12, 2007 at 8:39 pm
So wait, the proposed site is EVERYTHING basically on the north side of Asher Levy Park? Is that what I get from those details?
Because if so, I’m going to cry if that happens. Those buildings are magically great. And I have amazing memories walking up West Brighton 1st Street with my mom and dad to play in the park. Now, that will be gone? Damn it. I know this city is changing but I never imagined that would be built—or even proposed—to go there.