Ah, urban wildlife. The other day, we turned to Brooklyn’s cool parrot colonies and to the wonderful blog dedicated to them at brooklynparrots that has been set up by Steve Baldwin, the man who runs Brooklyn Parrot Safaris (there’s one on Saturday, July 1…check the brooklynparrots site for info) and is the Parrot King of the Borough of Kings. Turns out that Mr. Baldwin is working with a team to create a film about the parrots and that there’s a trailer for it. (GL was so asleep at the switch on this one that we qualify as comatose.) Just click on the play button above to watch.
Truth in advertising requires GL to disclose being a total sucker for The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, but we have faith that a Brooklyn Parrot could teach a San Francisco Parrot a thing or two about life in the big city.
“The story of the Brooklyn parrots includes many dramatic elements which will not make this ‘just another bird movie,” Mr. Baldwin writes of the Brooklyn parrot movie. “The struggles of these birds — so far from home, strangers in a strange land — a jungle of stone, really — subject to predators ranging from hawks to poachers to utility companies, makes for a fine drama.”
Also, Animal Planet did a great segment on the parrots that features Mr. Baldwin. Check it out.