[Photo courtesy of Keylime Steve/flickr]
We knew it was going to be good, and the back story of the submersible device busted near the Queen Mary 2 in Red Hook does not disappoint. A tipster to both Curbed and Gothamist identified the person behind the sub as artist Duke Riley and it turns out that flickr photo and Key Lime Pie Maker Keylime steve had posted a flickr photoset, Adventures with an Egg, on the project. The sub had even had a standoff with the Coast Guard when it was first launched.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Aug 4, 2007 at 4:34 pm
The Daily News had it just right.
2 Jayzee Smokems // Aug 4, 2007 at 5:20 pm
I bet it was like one of those ‘Polaris Subs’, the kind you get from comic book ads. I ordered one for almost 5 bucks, and it never came. Now I know where it went, down red hook to the three Stooges. I hope they enjoyed it, I never got the chance.