- Tree with Pipe [BK 11201]
- Revs in Borough Park [Blue Jake]
- Williamsburg Lightening [Imjustsayin/flickr]
- Hoyt Street Wall [Seriously Excited]
- Gehry, Thy Name is Eminent Domain Desktop [Brit in Brooklyn]
- Weed at the Vanderbilt Yards [Dope on the Slope/flickr]
- Freak Unmasked [Park Slope Street Photography]
- The News Box [Atomische]
- West Indian Carnival Weekend Schedule [About Brooklyn]
- More Antics at Hello Living [Set Speed]
- What’s the Kalabash Food Coop? [Bed-Stuy Blog]
- BookCourt Expanding [110 Livingston]
- Streetlevel: Rock on Fifth Avenue [Brownstoner]
- Dumbo Weekly Links [Dumbo NYC]
- Bay Ridge Necrology: Thriftee Discount [Right in Bay Ridge]
- Guide to Greenpoint Bedbuggery [newyorkshitty]
- Fun with Landlords [Esthetic/Aesthetic]
- No Nosferatu for Giamatti [Brooklyn Heights Blog]