Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Car Burning Season at Boerum Place & Dean Street

October 17th, 2007 · 1 Comment

We have some burned car action in Boerum-Cobble Hill-ish Brooklyn. The report circulated via the Boerum Hill Group mailing list comes from Boerum Place and Dean Street:

I was amazed yesterday morning to see a totally trashed and burned car parked on Boerum Place at the corner of Dean. Does anyone know the story on this? The super of the building across the street said the car was just fine and sitting parked on the corner at 5:00 AM. When my husband went to work at 6:30 or so, the car was on fire and surrounded by police and firemen.

And there is this detail too:

The firemen trying to hammer open the hydrant woke us up at about 5:30 and they successfully put it out, lights flashing and all. Our super told us the super on the side where the car burnt told him that a woman carrying something had asked him for directions from Boerum to Smith St early that morning and that he turned his back for a second. When he turned back, she was gone and the fire was burning.

This is not be confused with the neighborhood trash fires. (The burning car pictured here is not the Boerum Hill burning car.)

Related Post:
Trash Can Burning Season in Boerum Hill

Tags: Boerum Hill

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Daryn // Oct 17, 2007 at 9:28 pm

    Oddly enough, I walked down that block about 8am that morning and didnt’ notice anything. Saw the car later in the day.