This is the site of the proposed Oyster Bar on Hoyt Street near Union that has local residents fired up, opposing a new establishment on the quiet, residential street and raising cries of Not Another Smith Street. Our Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill correspondent sent the photo and an observation:
This is the site of the Jim Mamary proposed Oyster Bar on residential Hoyt Street in Carroll Gardens. Formerly a questionable Dr’s office. Neighbors have protested and are against a liquor license. Mamary claims his patrons won’t be rowdy or drunk and will be mostly women based on his wine bar next door. Yeah, women don’t get drunk. He also claims there will be no kitchen, yet the menu boasts grilled items.
Mr. Mamary is one of Brooklyn’s most prolific creators of restaurants, including Patois on Smith Street. His new foray into Ditmas Park attracted the attention of the New York Times this past Sunday.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Feb 8, 2008 at 6:43 pm
This guy is not the creative behind Patois. He is also part of that slime hole, Bagels on The Park, and Union Smith Cafe. Also filthy. Alan Harding is the Francophile behind Patois and this new Ditmas Park bistro, “Pomme de Terre”? Calling a bistro a potato??? Thankfully no real French people will ever go inside of it. He’s an idiot, but, has found a niche in theme restaurants. uncle pho was horrible and closed. I mean really. ‘UNCLE pho??’ no vietnamese person would be seen in there. Like Disneyland..he should really rethink this oyster bar thing. Give the nabe a coffee shop with wifi. A really good place with a barista that knows how to make espresso. Open a nice garden in the back, ANYTHING but some oyster bar garbage. It will be a filthy, smelly hole and so will the trash from it.
2 Anonymous // Feb 11, 2008 at 9:39 pm
Mamary’s scheme is to open a mega-liquor-site DIRECTLY BETWEEN AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND A CHURCH, using the “Oyster Bar” to change the front of his existing wine bar to slide through city standards by inches. He will sell out after the spot’s trendiness is over, as he has with The Zombie Hut on Smith, leaving local residents to cope with the crime problems, etc., that ensue when less-competent management buys him out.
DO NOT MINDLESSLY SIGN THE PETITION in favor of this project at his partner’s store, Bagels on the Park. No one benefit$ from Mamary$ idea$ but Mamary.
3 Anonymous // Apr 16, 2008 at 12:52 pm
Why don’t all you posers and complainers go back where you came from. You all flocked here after the fictional Miranda from Sex and the City, and now you don’t want anyone else moving out here. Well, all you post internet babies moved out here, brought all the comfort of Manhattan with you and now you want to put a limit on things. Remember this, we live in a free market economy. If there’s a storefront then let there be a store, and commerce. I lived on Smith Street from 1994 to 1997 and it was so sketchy that I used to have to escort my then girlfriend from the Bergen Street F station, a block away. You put up with lager louts, I used to put up with muggings and gunfire. And a goat!