The Park Slope Poetry Project reading series continues tonight at St. John-St. Matthew-Emanuel Lutheran Church in the South Slope. This month’s featured poet is our friend Craig Fishbane, who is a superb Brooklyn poet and resident of Bensonhurst. Craig’s work is excellent and he does readings around the city. (He’s also a member of a Brooklyn writing group of which Gowanus Lounge is part and an all-around nice person.) Tonight’s reading runs from 7:30 to 10PM and Craig will be followed by an Open Mike night. The Park Slope Poetry Project publishes a monthly broadsheet called Erato, which is also worth checking out. St. John’s is located at 283 Prospect Avenue, which is between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. There’s a $5 charge for entry. The reading series takes place the first Tuesday of every month.
Park Slope Poetry Project Readings Tonight
September 5th, 2006 · No Comments
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