This view won’t do it justice, so Gowanus Lounge urges you to check out some of the great panoramas of the Big G and Red Hook stitched together by wonderful local photog Elizabeth Weinberg, aka e-liz, and offered up on her flickr photostream. We call this entry, Panorama du Revere avant Ikea. Also, check out this Red Hook shot, this Red Hook shot and this Gowanus shot. Serves to remind GL that we need to get back to stitching all those images of the Big G and Red Hook we shot with this exact purpose in mind.
Excellent Red Hook and Gowanus Panoramas!
May 17th, 2006 · 1 Comment
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1 response so far ↓
1 eliz // May 17, 2006 at 9:29 am
i should get some before and afters, eh? maybe i’ll do the whole foods site next.