The SONYA Studio Stroll (South of the Navy Yard) is today (5/17) and tomorrow (5/18) from 12 Noon to 6PM. The map of the studios is above, included to show the general area. The tour’s website has a PDF of the brochure and full info. Here’s a bit:
SONYA presents the 9th Annual SONYA Studio Stroll in the vibrant cultural hub of downtown Brooklyn just south of the Navy Yard—where art is made. The Stroll is a free self-guided walking tour of studios and galleries showcasing an incredible variety of artwork created by Brooklyn-based artists. We invite you to begin your Stroll experience by previewing the Stroll artists’ work, downloading a tour map, and planning your adventure on Stroll weekend, May 17 & 18. Bring your friends and family along and make it a celebration of art making and appreciation!
One idea for tomorrow is hitting up Brooklyn Flea and, then, doing the studio stroll.