Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Brooklyn’s Trendy Fourth Avenue: Now With "Boutique Hotel"

October 6th, 2006 · 1 Comment

Yes, Fourth Avenue is coming on strong. Yesterday, a Curbed reader passed along this photo of the rendering that has gone up outside that hotel under construction on Fourth Avenue next to the taxi depot between Fifth and Sixth Streets. It is now billed as a “boutique hotel.” What’s amusing isn’t so much the thought of “boutique hotel” guests making their along Fourth Avenue and its tire shops and the like, so much as the difference between actual location and rendering (as can be seen here). The taxi depot next door? Gone. The U-Haul place and Pep Boys in the back? Invisible. And you have to dig that big blue Brooklyn sky. Just like in Montana.

Meanwhile, another reader writes of all the action:

That means within a two block radius, new (and sort-of new) construction includes…The Florentine (on 7th st b/w 3rd and 4th), Park Slope Towers and that extended stay hotel with the rooftop restaurant (next to Uhaul). I also heard that someone recently bought the one-story brick building next to the firehouse on the east side of 4th avenue at 6th street, but it doesn’t look like anything’s happening there yet. Rumor has it, they’ll put up a 12-story glass condo building.

Any thoughts on what these giant condos will do to the value of all the coops in the remaining 4-story brick buildings on the block? I mean, I’ll happy to no longer have guys changing their oil and blasting their radios in front of my apartment, but this new building is so, well, ugly.

Oh, and there’s a new Australian restaurant on Fourth Avenue too. Yes, things are changing.

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 sam horine // Oct 7, 2006 at 4:25 pm

    haha, that drawing is great