It has been a long time since we checked in on the infamous South Slope Crack Building (officially known as 406 15th Street). It got that name because construction work so destabilized a neighboring building two years ago that people had to be evacuated. For a long time, buildings had “crack monitors” to see if the damage got any worse. Well, the new building is up and one can draw one’s own conclusions about the aesthetics (phrases like “classic Brooklyn ugly” come to mind), but we were interested to find a brand new Stop Work Order slapped on the site. A check with the Department of Buildings website found this gem: “Re: SIDE WALL OF NB APPEARS TO BE ERECTED OFF FOUNDATION WALL” and this comment “LOT LINE WINDOWS, TANGENT PILES NOT IN LINE WITH.GRADE BEAM AS PER APPROVED PLANS.” The entire mess involving the building has been chronicled in exceptional detail by the IMBY blog.