Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Special Brooklyn Treat: Prospect Park Salad (Literally)

October 12th, 2006 · 1 Comment

So, like, you’re hungry and want your greens and don’t feel like hitting the Park Slope Food Coop or Fairway or the friendly spot on the corner. What to do? Go to Prospect Park and forage. In doing our daily check of Chowhound we came across the following item, which we reproduce in its entirety, only taking credit for our ability to copy and paste:

This past Sunday, I went on a foraging walking tour of Prospect Park with “Wildman” Steve Brill, whose website lists walking tours all over NYC and the surrounding area (wildmanstevebrill.com). It was pretty wild to be pulling chickweed off the ground and chomping on it, not to mention the hawthorne berries, the black walnuts, the burdock root, the garlic mustard, and on and on. It adds a whole new meaning to the phrase, “eating locally.” Anyway, the food was good! Some of the greens reminded me a lot of what I pay $4/quarter lb. at the farmers’ market 🙂 I made a wild salad the next night, with a little red lettuce, radishes, and pickled eggplant, which made for a great, sharp, fresh salad.

We will refrain from comment, as there are many to be found already with the original item. The photo above, which was posted by applesister on flickr, who did the Chowhound post, is of the resulting salad.

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 EFB // Oct 12, 2006 at 12:19 pm

    who knew? what a great idea. it’s looks delicious too!