Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

How About a “Brooklyn Chains” Map?

July 24th, 2008 · No Comments

Inspired by the Red Velvet Cake map created and posted by meganlibrarian on Brooklynian that we borrowed for a post, blogger Gumby Fresh has created a guide to Brooklyn chains. Not big national chains with a Brooklyn presence, but local businesses with one or more branches–what we might call chain-lets. He writes that “A stroll through Carroll Gardens the other day reminded me of how many businesses open multiple locations in Brooklyn.” Here’s a bit more:

To stress, this is not an exercise designed to hate on gentrifiers, chains, or anything else that flows from capitalism. A second branch is a fairly good indication you’re doing something right for your local customers, though whether catering to the whims of the Brooklyn gentrifying set is the foundation for a wildly successful national career I’ll leave to your imagination. Still it’s a good sign that there are plenty of people in the Borough that do have the smarts to build up a franchise and still keep it local.

The full and evolving map can be found here. Very cool stuff.

Tags: Maps