Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Entries Tagged as 'Roebling Oil Field'

Development Notebook: Roebling Oil Warehouse 11 Update

January 15th, 2009 · 2 Comments

The former Roebling Oil Building, which is what we named it because of the Roebling Oil Field that needed to be cleaned up before it could be built, is looking like one of the Burg’s less nauseating Hot Karl Fischer’s these days. Trees have been planted outside (will they survive?). A parking garage is under […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Development Notebook: Robeling Oil II Getting Banged

November 18th, 2008 · 5 Comments

The second part of the Roebling Oil Field development, well Warehouse 11, which is on the cleaned up former Roebling Oil property, is underway and the good old Empire pile driver is banging away on the property. The interesting thing is that it looks like they’re not digging down too far below grade for part […]


Tags: Development Notebook · Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Development Notebook: Roebling Oil Building Gets a Parking Garage

October 20th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Our old friend, the former Roebling Oil Building on the cleaned up Roebling Oil Field, which is on the market as Warehouse 11 and is a Karl Fischer, is not only expanding on the Driggs Avenue side with more units, it’s getting a parking garage on the N. 10 Street side. At least, we sure […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Development Notebook: Roebling Oil Expansion Underway

August 18th, 2008 · Comments Off on Development Notebook: Roebling Oil Expansion Underway

The development of the former Robeling Oil Field, which brought us Warehouse 11 springing from its cleaned and capped hole, has begun anew. After some demolition work, land is already cleared for Phase II, on the Driggs Avenue side of the property, which will also be a Karl Fischer work (and we assume on that […]


Tags: Development Notebook · Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

On the Sofa, Daily Edition

July 22nd, 2008 · Comments Off on On the Sofa, Daily Edition

“The management of N. 11th has been very responsive anytime we (as neighbors) have had a complaint. All you have to do is call them and talk to them (I know, a novel idea). When neighbors of ours complained about the tiny styrofoam the offered to come over and clean it up. When another person […]


Tags: On the Sofa · Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

“Third World Dump” Conditions on Burg Street Cleaned Up a Bit

July 19th, 2008 · 1 Comment

There is progress to report about the “Third World Dump” created by a development mess on long-suffering N. 11 Street and Roebling in Williamsburg. (In fact, there are so many construction sites in the area that some days several pile drivers are going at once at sites a few blocks apart creating a most interesting […]


Tags: Construction Issues · Roebling Oil Field · Uncategorized · Williamsburg

A “Third World Dump” & “Nasty Workers” at Warehouse 11

July 18th, 2008 · 3 Comments

Once upon a time, neighbors of the construction site we used to call the Roebling Oil Field were worried about the pools of oil that bubbled to the surface as the property was dug up. Then, the oil was cleaned up and the Roebling Oil Building rose (very quickly) on the site. It’s now known […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Uncategorized · Williamsburg

Demolition Porn: Roebling Oil West Edition

July 9th, 2008 · 2 Comments

The tear down on Driggs Avenue between N. 10 & N. 11 Streets to make way for Phase II of the former Roebling Oil Building, which is a Karl Fischer building called Warehouse 11, continues. The name of the new project on the sign is Driggs Place, but it’s an extension of its neighbor. The […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Demolition Porn: Roebling Oil Field West Edition

June 12th, 2008 · Comments Off on Demolition Porn: Roebling Oil Field West Edition

The demolition of what we’re calling the Roebling Oil Field West, aka the expansion of Warehouse 11, the building perched atop our beloved and cleaned up Roebling Oil Field, is coming along nicely. The photo above is from earlier in the week when the Church of the Transfiguration a block away was being framed nicely […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Williamsburg Residents Still Expressing Pro-Development Love

May 27th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Someday, if City Council Member Peter Vallone’s new proposal to fight construction site graffiti has its way, messages like this one at the Roebling Oil Field and Roebling Oil Building could be things of the past. For now, however, they are still very much with us. The Warehouse 11 site has remained free of graffiti […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Bklink: Roebling Oil Stalag

April 19th, 2008 · Comments Off on Bklink: Roebling Oil Stalag

The Roebling Oil Building, aka Warehouse 11, is disliked by some for architectural reason. Very disliked, in fact. Assuming one thinks that calling it “Stalag 11” is not a good thing. “I thought ‘That looks like a great balcony for a fascist declaration.’ I was pretty sure that the structure would get progressively weaker and […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Shortlink · Williamsburg

Signs of Spring: Roebling Oil Edition

April 3rd, 2008 · 1 Comment

Our old and dear friend the former Roebling Oil Building, now Warehouse 11, looks elegant and alive with spring starting to bloom, yes?


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Signs of Spring · Williamsburg

More Drilling at Roebling Oil Field

March 31st, 2008 · Comments Off on More Drilling at Roebling Oil Field

As we noted last week via an email we got, work has started on an expansion of the Roebling Oil Field project, aka the Roebling Oil Building and/or Warehouse 11. We found the pile driver on scene on Sunday and a petroleum-like smell wafting from the scene, though as far as we could tell the […]


Tags: Environment · Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

It’s Official: There Will be a Roebling Oil Building West

March 6th, 2008 · Comments Off on It’s Official: There Will be a Roebling Oil Building West

A little over a week ago, we noted that a rat poisoning campaign was underway at 475 Driggs, the property immediately to the west of the Roebling Oil Building Warehouse 11. We’ve waiting for something indicating that the property has been sold or that the buildings were going to be demolished. As it turns out, […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Rats Paying Ultimate Price for Roebling Oil Field West?

February 21st, 2008 · 1 Comment

Generally, the rats are the first to know that something is up with a property. So, we were fascinated to find that 475 Driggs, the building that shares much of the block to the west of the Roebling Oil Field Warehouse 11 now has a bunch of those big black rat poison things and rat […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Say What–Down for the Count

February 12th, 2008 · Comments Off on Say What–Down for the Count

This downed sign, which was felled by some sidewalk digging in the last few days, comes from Roebling Street and N. 11, right across the street from our friend, the Roebling Oil Building. Presumably, it’s only down until they stop digging and fix the sidewalk, unless they’re looking for oil…


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Signs Under Siege

Roebling Oil Building Gets a Sales Office

February 7th, 2008 · Comments Off on Roebling Oil Building Gets a Sales Office

The former Roebling Oil Building, now Warehouse 11 or W-11 on N. 11 Street at the site of the former Roebling Oil Field, keeps moving along. We were wandering past the other day, reminiscing about what the construction site still looked like a year ago when oil was oozing from the ground, when we noticed […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field

Residents Filing Freedom of Information Law Request for DEC Roebling Oil Field Reports

January 14th, 2008 · 3 Comments

While the Department of Environmental Conservation has sent a letter saying that the contamination of the Roebling Oil Field / Warehouse 11 site was confined to that property before a clean up took place, some local residents are skeptical and want to see all the documentation. GL has been told to expect at least one […]


Tags: Environment · Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Good News of a Sort About the Roebling Oil Field & Warehouse 11

January 11th, 2008 · 1 Comment

The Queens Ledger published a story yesterday that has some good news and bad about the former Roebling Oil Field, which is the site of the new condo called Warehouse 11. The good news is that Department of Environmental Conservation head Pete Grannis sent a letter to Assem. Joe Lentol saying, “Based on our analysis […]


Tags: Environment · Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Dept. of Environmental Conservation Stonewalling on Roebling Oil Field Results?

January 10th, 2008 · 6 Comments

Is the Department of Environmental Conservation stonewalling and not turning over reports about all the test wells it drilled adjacent to the Roebling Oil Field (as recently as this fall) where luxe condos are now on sale? That is what a neighborhood activist who’s been working through a State Assembly Member and a City Council […]


Tags: Environment · Roebling Oil Field

Roebling Oil Building Now Has Warehouse 11 Banners

December 28th, 2007 · 2 Comments

We could hardly contain our joy at finding banners officially proclaiming the Roebling Oil Building at the former Roebling Oil Field site at N. 11th and Roebling Streets in Williamsburg as Warehouse 11 (or W11 for short). This means the marketing and sales push are full speed ahead in 2008 for the luxe condo that […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Roebling Oil Building Update: Warehouse 11 on the Market

November 30th, 2007 · 1 Comment

The building that we’ve been waiting for–having been photographing and posting about the building site for more than year–is upon us. The Roebling Oil Building Warehouse 11 is on the market. It is “modern industrial design redesigned.” There are eight apartments listed so far and the opening screens of a website, a couple of screen […]


Tags: Environment · Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Memory Lane: Remembering the Roebling Oil Field

November 29th, 2007 · 2 Comments

With the Roebling Oil Building coming to market as Warehouse 11 in “North Williamsburg,” we’re feeling nostalgic for all the time we spent at the site shooting photos of oil oozing up through the ground as the clean up process was underway. All traces of the oil were gone by late spring as a “protective […]


Tags: Roebling Oil Field

Roebling Oil Building Warehouse 11 Gets Windows

November 27th, 2007 · 1 Comment

The Roebling Oil Building, now known as Warehouse 11, as it enters the marketing phase (although the banners outside the building and the website haven’t gone up yet), is getting windows. This is exciting to us as we have followed every development at this building since it was just a construction site with a big, […]


Tags: Environment · Roebling Oil Field · Williamsburg

Gowanus Lounge Photo Du Jour, Part II: Roebling Oil in Fall

November 22nd, 2007 · Comments Off on Gowanus Lounge Photo Du Jour, Part II: Roebling Oil in Fall

This is the Roebling Oil Building development known as Warehouse 11 in Williamsburg. We believe it looks especially fetching in green with fall colors.


Tags: Photo du Jour · Roebling Oil Field