Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Entries Tagged as 'Term Limits'

Brookbit: Bill de Blasio, Tish James Announcing Term Limits Suit

October 29th, 2008 · Comments Off on Brookbit: Bill de Blasio, Tish James Announcing Term Limits Suit

City Council Members Bill de Blasio and Letitia James, who have led the fight against extending terms limits, are having a press conference with other city officials on the steps of City Hall today at noon to announce the lawsuit they’re filing against the Council’s action. [GL Inbox]


Tags: Brookbit · Term Limits

Bill de Blasio & Tish James Suing on Term Limits Vote

October 25th, 2008 · 3 Comments

One suspects there will be multiple legal challenges to the City Council’s vote this week to change terms limits. Whether any have a chance or the real issue will be voter’s response next year is another matter. In the meantime, Mr. de Blasio’s office sent out out word that “In response to yesterday’s City Council […]


Tags: Term Limits

Upcoming: Sunday Forum on Term Limits

October 18th, 2008 · Comments Off on Upcoming: Sunday Forum on Term Limits

Tomorrow is day when those who oppose the idea of repealing term limits in general or who specifically don’t want to see Michael Bloomberg become Putin on the Hudson or Marty Markowitz become Borough President for Life can have some time to hoot and holler. The forum takes place tomorrow, Sunday, October 19th, at Lafayette […]


Tags: Politics · Term Limits · Uncategorized