Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

MLK Day Video: U2 Performing Pride at the Lincoln Memorial

January 19th, 2009 · 3 Comments

Say what you will about U2–whether you love them or hate them–but there is something special about seeing them perform Pride in front of Barack Obama at the Lincoln Memorial.

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MLK Day Special: The Promised Land Speech

January 19th, 2009 · 1 Comment

As many of us may remember, the night before Rev. Martin Luther King was murdered, he spoke in Memphis and, in effect, predicted his own death. If you haven’t seen this clip or haven’t seen in it a while, watch it, paying attention when he says “I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the Promised Land.

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MLK Day Video: The I Have a Dream Speech

January 19th, 2009 · Comments Off on MLK Day Video: The I Have a Dream Speech

The Dream comes true tomorrow. If you haven’t seen this speech in a while, watch it in its entirety.

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A Note From GL: MLK Day

January 19th, 2009 · Comments Off on A Note From GL: MLK Day

We rarely go off topic, but today the content we’re putting up for a couple of hours is quite relevant to Brooklyn and to the joy that so many of us feel about the history that will be made tomorrow and the poignancy of watching the Rev. Martin Luther King and celebrating his life today. Had Dr. King not have been martyred and had he live to see his dream realized, he would have been 80 years old on January 15. If you can’t watch these videos and not feel chills or shed tears, we suggest that part of your humanity may be gone. Our hearts grieve that our beloved grandparents who raised us could not live to see this day. Our souls hurt because of the people we have known that have died who are not here to live these two days. We are sad that we cannot share these two days with friends that we have lost over the years and very recently. Yet the joy, in its way, overcomes the sadness of all that and the tears that we shed watching the videos the follow are filled with many emotions. In the meantime, if you would prefer to read about development or to get a fix of snark, click along, there will be none here for a few hours.

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Dear God: Slopers Upset About Ticketing for Riding Bike on Sidewalk w/Child

January 19th, 2009 · 21 Comments

Mention the word “bicycle” and some people on both side of the aisle start foaming at the mouth. So we were more than amused to come across an email from our friends at Park Slope Parents about a parent who seemed quite upset about getting a ticket for riding on the sidewalk (which is illegal). Some think it’s okay to use the sidewalk if a little one is riding along:

Does anyone know the traffic regulations for riding your bicycle on the sidewalk with a child in a bike seat or tag along? I recently learned the hard way that it is against the law to ride your bike on the sidewalk (I received a summons to appear in court). My daughter was not with me at the time. I was too flustered to ask if the rule applies to children on their own bikes or adults with children on the bikes.

There have been numerous responses, including this one:

That is great news! Finally people are being ticketed who are riding a bike on the sidewalk! I have often received dirty looks as if I am in the wrong because I am in someone’s way by walking on the sidewalk and they are on a bicycle with a child attachment. Here is a link to the NYCDOT Bike Laws (WARNING: PDF).

There as been much back and forth, including parents who say bike lanes are too unsafe to use if the little ones are aboard and therefore that the need to use the sidewalk.

→ 21 CommentsTags: Park Slope

Atlantic Avenue Retail Report: Action at the Smith

January 19th, 2009 · Comments Off on Atlantic Avenue Retail Report: Action at the Smith

Developer Shaya Boymelgreen’s Smith finally has retail tenants. According to the building manager, the big retail space is going to be filled by a…drum roll…grocery storeday care center. Some sort of deli or convience-type shop will be going into the smaller space at Smith Street and State Street. All this time, we figured it was going to be a new center for lawyers and bail bondsmen given the city’s plans to reopen Brooklyn House of Detention right across the street.

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Future of Coney Island Farce Continues & Get Curiouser

January 19th, 2009 · 2 Comments

[Click to enlarge image]

Remember how The Future of Coney Island domain which was being used by developer Joe Sitt was allowed to lapse and became a Belgian porno site? Well, the owner of the site has spoken, posting on the Coney Island Message Board and even putting up a message, which is screen capped above. She’s willing to sell the domain and feels really bad about the whole mess. She writes:

I am the owner of the domain name ‘thefutureofconeyisland.com’. My family has just warned me that my name is associated with a porn website! I would like to say that it is completely wrong, I do not own any porn websites, the whois of this adult website don’t mention my name, the only domain name I own is thefutureofconeyisland.com, which had been hijacked on my webhosting “servage”, as other domains I owned! I noticed someone had created a new ftp account to upload a new index page with links to a porn site. I used to buy and sell high pageranks domain names. In September, I bought on a forum the domain name “thefutureofconeyisland.com” which was PR4 at that time, and this is why I was interested in buying this domain name. I have let the domain on servage as I have medical issues and got surgery in October. I am very shocked about all the completely wrong articles that say I am a porn star, adult webmaster and so, besides nobody of the press has tried to contact me, it’s diffamation against me.

Still not over.

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Brookyn Nibbles: Renovating? In this Economy? Really?

January 19th, 2009 · 8 Comments

(We thank E.C. Stephens from the bottom of our our hearts for taking over production of GL this past weekend and for doing so in a magnificent way. She ran this item on Saturday, and while we rarely pull or re-run items, we think it’s important enough that we didn’t want it to get lost in the weekend shuffle. So here it is on a Monday morning. Damn. Wait. It’s a holiday. Oh well, we still want to make sure that everybody knows she caught these first.)

On a short walk down 5th Avenue in Park Slope we came across two storefront signs that caught our eye. The first was from Press 195.
PressPress Sign

It reads, “Dear Customer, Press 195 will be closing for the month of Janurary for renovations. We are excited to bring you a sleeker design, quicker service and new menu items….. We look forward to welcoming our customers, old and new, back when we reopen in February.”

Interesting. So, I continued walking and I contemplated why a business would pick now of all times to throw money into renovating. Just then I came across another sign, but this time on Oko the fro-yo place that just opened 2 years ago.
It read, “We will be closed for renovations [January 1st – January 31st] We will reopen Februrary 1st, 2009. We will miss you, see you at the new OKO!”

We can sorta understand Press renovating, but Oko? I mean come on, you’re a relative newbie to the block. At a time when some more established businesses are crumbling under the weight of the bad economy, you are sprucing up the place? All we can say is go figure. I guess frozen yogurt is where the money’s at. I think I need to reconsider my future business plans.

– E.C. Stephens

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In the Pool: Customer is King

January 19th, 2009 · Comments Off on In the Pool: Customer is King

Customer Is King
[Photo courtesy geminicollisionworks/GL Photo Pool]

This is fromm Gravesend, where we also have to assume the customer is not ony king, but also always right. Right?

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In the Pool: Ice Tower

January 19th, 2009 · Comments Off on In the Pool: Ice Tower

Ice Tower
[Photo courtesy of jplpagan/GL Flickr Pool]

Baby it’s been cold outside.

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In the Pool: Sentimental Sunday

January 18th, 2009 · Comments Off on In the Pool: Sentimental Sunday

Fifth Ave., Brooklyn, NY; June 12, 2007
[Photo courtesy of Betty Blade/GL Flickr Pool]

Just remembering our old Donuts Coffee Shop off Union on 5th Ave. It is now gone and swallowed up by the expansion of the Associated Market next door.

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Brooklinks: The Long Weekend Wrap Up

January 18th, 2009 · Comments Off on Brooklinks: The Long Weekend Wrap Up

Atlantic Yards footprint, looking west
Why Frank Gehry is Brett Yormark’s Problem (and other FAQ’s) [AYR]
Show Some Love for Your Neighborhood – Apply for CB 7 [BVIB]
Fig Tree Fruit Market is Open [Bed Stuy Blog]
Prospect Park After Dark [Brit in Brooklyn]
“Cottage Row” Fire [Brooklyn Heights Blog]
Restaurant of the Day: Tavern on Dean [Brownstoner]
Adventures in Burg Annotation: Alleged Trustafarian Edition [Curbed]
Let’s Go Yankees [Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn]
Filming Yesterday: Rescue Me [Dumbo NYC]
Marty Golden: Petition Thanks and MTA Meeting [GerritsenBeach.net]
Le Toukouleur Musical Event [Bed Stuy Blog]

– Compiled by Lauren Fairbanks

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Disconnected in Brooklyn: Every Which Way but Loose

January 18th, 2009 · 1 Comment

I think we’ll leave this little gem for the commentators to make fun of, all we have to say is, “Who the hell owns a pet ape??” Without further ado, here’s some Park slope monkey business:

My ape ran away – w4w (park slope)
My pet ape ran off for a moment and I freaked out.
I came running out of the health food store on 5th ave in park slope. Luckily you were across the street and tied a bow around her neck and stayed with her while I caught up. You made me tremble in the thighs, I was too nervous to say anything but the appropriate thank you and smile. You have brown hair and an adorable pageboy cut….perhaps we could meet when I’m less flustered–ever go to ginger’s?
thanks for everything 😉

E.C. Stephens

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Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr at the Lefferts Historic House

January 18th, 2009 · Comments Off on Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr at the Lefferts Historic House

The Lefferts Historic House at Prospect Park will hold a special Martin Luther King, Jr program tomorrow, Monday, January 19, at 2 p.m. Vivian Millicent Warfield, Director of Lewis Latimer House, will explore the life of Lewis Latimer: a pioneer scientist, key to the creation of the modern electrical world, a renaissance man, and the son of fugitive slaves. 

-E.C. Stephens

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In the Pool: Snowing Sunday Icicle

January 18th, 2009 · Comments Off on In the Pool: Snowing Sunday Icicle

[Photo courtesy of Jennifer Dunne/GL Flickr Pool]

The perfect image for a wintery Sunday morning.

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Gl Adoptable Cutie Special Edition: Curious the Dog Needs a Loving Home!

January 18th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Usually we only do the Adoptable Cutie on Saturdays but it breaks our heart to know that Curious, a mutt with an amazing personality and love for people, has been saved from being put down only to be unwanted and without a home for months!

Sean Casey Animal Rescue is taking care of Curious, a 3 year old Beagle/German Shepherd mix. He is neutered, dewormed, treated with Revolution to prevent fleas, ticks, ear mites and heartworm and he’s up to date with vaccinations. If you’d like to meet Curious please contact nyanimalrescue@yahoo.com for an adoption application. They are conveniently located close to the F train in Windsor Terrace and open daily from 11am to 7pm. Please spread the word about Chance!

– E.C Stephens

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In the Pool: Gravesend in the Cold

January 17th, 2009 · Comments Off on In the Pool: Gravesend in the Cold

Gravesend from geminicollisionworks
[Photo courtesy of geminicollisionworks/GL Flickr Pool]
It’s cold out their people, bundle up if you dare to venture out.

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The Brooklyn Conservatory of Music presents MusicNOW! Tonight!

January 17th, 2009 · Comments Off on The Brooklyn Conservatory of Music presents MusicNOW! Tonight!

MusicNOW! At the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music presents its 2009 concert calendar featuring Jenny Hill with the Broken Reed Saxophone Quartet and Stefan Bauer with Voyage tonight at 8pm.

The Brooklyn Conservatory of Music presents MusicNOW! This series, which will run through our exciting 2008-09 concert series, will present the edgy, diverse, unique and raw talent that makes up the musical voice of the Brooklyn Conservatory’s immensely talented faculty. For this concert two of the Brooklyn Conservatory’s Jazz faculty will be presenting their own groups in two separate sets. The 1st set will be Jenny Hill and the Broken Reed Saxophone Quartet. The 2nd set will be Vibraphone player Stefan Bauer with his ensemble Voyage featuring Judi Silvano, Chris Bacas, bassist Ugonna Okegwo and drummer Gerry Hemingway.

Brooklyn Conservatory of Music, 58 7th avenue. Cost: $10. Go to Zerve ticket services at 212.209.3370 or go to www.bqcm.org.

-E.C. Stephens

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Just Your Ordinary Day in Front of the Pavilion, Except for the Car on Fire of Course

January 17th, 2009 · Comments Off on Just Your Ordinary Day in Front of the Pavilion, Except for the Car on Fire of Course

3202630604_7504800e54_oHamilton over on the Brooklynian message board posted this on the scene report of a “Fire Sale on Prospect Park West” yesterday. It’s pretty hilarious so we had to share.

About 2:30 this afternoon this car burst into flame at PPW and 14th st. The fire department arrived in a few minutes and extinguished the flames without anyone being injured. As i was taking some photos a woman from the neighborhood mentioned she has seen a series of cars on different blocks with for sale signs and the same writing on the windows. She said it’s probably someone buying used cars and trying to re-sell them by parking them all over the neighborhood. The owner who has it up for sale is in for a surprise

Hamilton: Fire Sale on PPW
A surprise indeed!

– E.C. Stephens

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GL Adoptable Kitty of the Week: Sweet Snugly Mango

January 17th, 2009 · 5 Comments


Today we feature a very special cat: Mango. He is the most lovable cutie and pretty much the perfect cat anyone could want. Friendly, affectionate and happy around children. All he needs is someone to give him a chance:

Adorable little Mango was rescued from Brooklyn. He is a snuggly orange tabby with big personality. Mango loves to be held, play, and be around you … this guy doesn’t have one shy bone in his body! He is definitely a lap cat and will purr and purr when he is sitting besides you or in your lap. Mango loves to roll over and have his belly rubbed. This guy is an all around perfect cat! Mango would be great with children of all ages – super mellow.

Mango is right around two years old. He has been fully vetted and is very healthy. Mango did test positive for FIV so he will need to either be in a home with another FIV+ cat, a dog, or by himself. It is also important that he receives good quality food. The FIV doesn’t get him down one bit. He will live a happy life and live to a ripe old age.

If interested in finding out more about this little gem, please contact Rosie at kittensbrooklyn@earthlink.net or 718-783-3428. It will be love at first site with this little guy – we guarantee!

We agree, it will be love at first sight with Mango, how could you refuse his sweetness??


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GL Day Ender: Warm Up to Change… for All

January 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on GL Day Ender: Warm Up to Change… for All

On one of the most damn frigid cold day thus far in this winter season, we end on a note of charity. As previously mentioned, Monday (1/19) is MLK Day of Service, called for by President-Elect Obama. Warm Up to Change is hosting a Winter Coat and Blanket Drive in Fort Greene, and is asking everyone to bring down their lightly used or new blankets, coats, gloves, hats and any other warm clothes to Cake Man Raven’s (708-a Fulton Street) between 11am – 4pm. For more information, check out Warm Up to Change or email WarmUpToChange@gmail.com. Look in your closet and help keep some child or adult warm for the rest of the winter.

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Brooklyn Back in the Day: Kensington in 1980

January 16th, 2009 · 7 Comments

[Photo courtesy of Betty Blade/Flickr]

This is McDonald Avenue near Avenue C in Kensington in 1980. The photographer writes: “This is where the F train begins its rise to become an elevated train going out to Coney Island. I have to apoligize for my finger but I remember how nervous I was taking this picture with my new camera. I just got it and didn’t want to get ripped off. Funny thinking back … I was only 1 block from home and I felt so far away.” It all feels very, very far away.

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Crazy Vid: Dude Having a Little Too Much Fun on the L Train

January 16th, 2009 · 1 Comment

This was shot this week at 6AM on the L train. Draw your own conclusions.

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Development Notebook: Gowanus Green Monster Mystery Solved

January 16th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Well, sometimes when you put up a post and you don’t know the answer, you get one. Such is the case with the mysterious big green building at the corner of Union and Bond Streets in Gowanus and has been on and off the markets. The broker from Brooklyn Heights Real Estate involved in the transaction explains what has happened:

The space (1/2 the warehouse and lot) was rented last week. The Center for Jewish Enrichment (IYYUN) is now splitting the space with a Manhattan food supplier & vending (cart) company. I know this because I’m the real estate agent that brokered the deal. The center also serves as a synagogue and event space.

An interesting combination of uses for a building with an interesting background.

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Urban Environmentalist NYC: Rolling Press Q&A

January 16th, 2009 · 1 Comment

The Center for the Urban Environment (CUE) found Rolling Press owner Eugene Lee through the Sustainable Business Network NYC (SBNYC), a network of NYC business owners dedicated to building a vibrant, diverse and responsible local living economy in New York City. For more information on SBNYC check out www.sbnyc.org.

Q: Where are you from originally?

Lee: New York City. I grew up here, in Park Slope, Brooklyn, and I never lived outside of the neighborhood. Not only am I still here (just closer to the Gowanus), but I recently moved into Rolling Press.

Q: You’re an eco-friendly printing company. Tell me more about the environmental ethics that inform your business decisions?

Lee: There really isn’t a formal list of criteria that exists to guide our business. Over the years, I have internalized the understanding of sustainability, reinforced by my ongoing research of new methods and green technologies. As a business, we are following the Triple Bottom Line model as a moral compass: People, Planet, Profit. In addition to analyzing our profits, we need to be fully aware of our social and environmental impact.

Read more of this great interview, ahead.

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