Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Opposition to Markowitz Coney Ampitheater Building?

January 16th, 2009 · 6 Comments

It looks like there is a nascent movement starting to block the construction of the $64 million outdoor ampitheater and Jones Beach-like concert facility in Coney Island championed by Borough President Marty Markowitz. The facility would be adjacent to residential towers housing thousands of people and destroy much of Asser-Levy Park. It appears, however, that people are also starting to question both the location and the cost of the facility as the city budget begins to drown in a sea of red ink. A flier handed out at Wednesday night’s Municipal Art Society meeting pointed out the facility would be ten stories tall, produce a wall on Surf Avenue that would be 12-feet high and reduce open space. It also questions the $64 million price tag when budgets are being cut for libraries, schools and other city services. The flier refers to the project as “an atrocity” and promises a “town hall” meeting soon. The venue is supposed to be designed by prestigious Grimshaw Architects, but then again, the Atlantic Yards area was supposed to be designed by Frank Gehry and there seems to be some question about that now. The opponents of the plan also point out that KeySpan Park would be available for concerts many nights every summer. The contact email is saveseasidepark (at) aol (dot) com and the NYC Park Advocates group.

See the full anti-ampitheater flier ahead.

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Eat It: Five Leaves

January 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on Eat It: Five Leaves

And, now, we present our weekly restaurant review from our friends at Eat It: The Brooklyn Food Blog. This week’s feature is Five Leaves in Greenpoint:

I finally made it over to Greenpoint to check out the much-hyped Five Leaves (18 Bedford Avenue, at Lorimer & Nassau, 646-510-6467).  This is the spot Heath Ledger was working on opening with some friends when he passed away.  Much has been written about it (the burgers specifically, which come with a fried egg and pickled beets as garnishes), and I’m happy to say that the food definitely lived up to the hype.

The space is interesting, squeezed onto the odd intersection of three major streets in Greenpoint, across from Automotive High School and McCarren Park, closer to the G train than the L train, and the classiest place in blocks.  It‘s a little bit the Williamsburgification of Greenpoint, but I guess it‘s inevitable with all the sprawl that’s happening in the Burg.  It is warm and cozy, but crisp as well, with tiled floors, huge Edison bulbs hanging from the ceiling and fresh purple and white tulips in small vases on each table.

The menu was filled with yummy-looking small plates, salads and main courses, all of which appealed to me.  I wanted to maximize my eating experience so my friend and I chose a few of the starters to share.  The House Made Ricotta with Thyme, Chestnut Honey, Figs, Maldon Sea Salt and Fruit Bread was amazing.  The bite of the thyme and salt combined with the sweet honey on top of creamy ricotta with a raisin nut bread was fabulous.  All of those distinct flavors totally worked together.  We also got the Prosciutto with Shaved Fennel and Pomegranate, Radicchio & Watercress Salad and two sides – Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Celery Root Mash.  Click here for photos and descriptions.

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GL Train Week: The View from the D Train

January 16th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Lets face it, our lives in New York revolve around transportation. However it’s rare that we take a moment and really see the landscapes and scenery that are the foundation of our travels. Be it a ride to work or a trip to Brighton Beach, sometimes we forget that it’s all about the journey getting there. So, this week, we’re highlighting interesting Brooklyn subway videos from different viewpoints. Enjoy the rides.
E.C. Stephens

Here’s a little bit of the view of the ride from the D train.

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New Carroll Gardens Street Toilets Seem Chilly

January 16th, 2009 · 4 Comments

[Photo courtesy of F. Jasmin Adams]

We’re all for the city’s new public toilets, but it looks like the ones being produced by CEMUSA as part off the city’s liked or loathed (depending on one’s point of view) “street furniture” program have an edge on this model which roving Carroll Gardens/Gowanus correspondent F. Jasmin Adams discovered curbside. Picture sitting on that baby. Talk about freezing your ass off.

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Brooklinks: Friday Steel Heart & Icy Soul Edition

January 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on Brooklinks: Friday Steel Heart & Icy Soul Edition

· Plane Crash Pilot Hailed After Everyone Survives [NYT]
· Markowitz Spends $6K on Jacques Torres Chocolate [NYP]
· Steelworks Lofts Gets Eviction Notice from Sales Office [Curbed]
· Thursday Afternoon at the Junk Shop [New York Shitty]
· Write Amanda Burden to Rezone Carroll Gardens [Lost City]
· One of These Brownstones is Different [PMFA]
· Calling BS on DIY Parking Signs [INSIJS]
· The Views From 16 Court [Brownstoner]
· Help Sean Casey Animal Rescue Win a Makeover [Kensington Brooklyn]
· Markowitz’s Skystoop [DDDB]
· Pier One Park Schedule Announced [BHB]

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Slope Retail Report: Hunan Wok Becomes Park Slope Farm

January 16th, 2009 · 2 Comments

The Seventh Avenue restaurant Hunan Wok, which closed down about a month ago, is morphing into a bodega/convenience store. Per a poster on Brooklynian: “There’s now an awning up for your standard corner store, presumably selling old vegetables, milk, beer, ice cream and chips.” Another poster writes: “The new sign says OPEN 24 HOURS!! i’m THRILLED about the new ‘park slope farm‘ i believe it’s called. We desperately need a nice bodega on this stretch of 7th which is open all night. So much better than the absolutely crappy chinese place which was there before. Horrible food and VERY unclean place.”

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Two Views of the Gowanus Batcave, Messages Included

January 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on Two Views of the Gowanus Batcave, Messages Included

[Photo courtesy of Stephanie Faith Wiens]

This is the old BMT powerplant in Gowanus, also known at the Batcave. Revelations that it was a squatters paradise nearly three years ago prompted anonymous threats to a photographer and an anonymous online harassment campaign that was referred to in the New York Times on Sunday. (The cyber stalker’s real identity is known to us.) The top view, from Stephanie Faith Wiens, is from the Gowanus Whole Foods property, which remains accessible to the general public from time to time! The bottom shot is from our contributor F. Jasmin Adams, taken yesterday from the end of Bond Street.

[Photo courtesy of F. Jasmin Adams]

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Sad Coney Sight: Lola Staar Boutique Being Cleared Out

January 16th, 2009 · 1 Comment

[Photo for GL courtesy of Deborah Matlack]

This is the Lola Staar Boutique, one of the gems of the Coney Island boardwalk, being cleared out. The photo was captured by our dedicated contributor Deborah Matlack. Ms. Staar (Dianna Carlin) has been an outspoken critic of developer Joe Sitt and was told on Christmas Eve that she was being evicted (and that possibly other business owners were being as well). The others have been offered new leases, although at double and triple their current rents. Ms. Staar, however, was told to leave, ostensibly because she has been outspoken in her opposition to Mr. Sitt’s plans for Coney. She will have new space in the Stillwell Avenue subway station, but it is a very sad sight indeed to see her boardwalk store, which has been a fixture, being emptied.

One of our valued Coney sources pointed out something very obvious to us last night: both of the entrepreneurs that are being evicted by Thor are female. Coincidence? Possibly. Could it be that they’re both the toughest fighters in the neighborhood? Perhaps. Might Thor have a more difficult time with vocal females giving the firm a hard time? Interesting question. Our source said: “They’re the only two who do not have the confidentality clause. Maybe we should get NOW or the MS Foundation involved!” Thor has insisted that those signing leases sign agreements that basically prevent them from criticizing Thor or speaking about Coney Island redevelopment, in effect, silencing a large part of the Coney business community. Except for Ms. Carlin and Ms. Albert, both of whom are being thrown out.

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F. Jasmin Adams Photo Du Jour: Bond Sreet in Snow

January 16th, 2009 · 1 Comment

[Photo for GL courtesy of F. Jasmin Adams]

This is Bond Street in Gowanus in yesterday’s snow, looking peaceful. The building in the photo would be the southernmost part of the property upon which the Toll Brothers want to build their big Gowanus Condo Project.

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In the Pool: Brooklyn Heights with Blanket of Snow

January 16th, 2009 · 4 Comments

In the Snow 3/Brooklyn Heights
[Photo courtesy of Josh Derr/GL Flickr Pool]

Here’s a pic of Brooklyn Heights taken under a very light blanket of snow.

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GL Day Ender: Benefit Concert for Sanctuary for Families

January 15th, 2009 · Comments Off on GL Day Ender: Benefit Concert for Sanctuary for Families

There’s going to be a big benefit concert on Thursdays, 1/22, at Southpaw (125 Fifth Ave. between Sterling and St. John) for Sanctuary for Families, a nonprofit organization that assist victims of domestic violence. Damemas, Architects and Demolition Men, and Animal Hands will be playing, as well as DJ Ayres intermission’ing and DJ Skinny Friedman spinning downstairs until 4AM. Tickets are on sale at a steal at $10. To order tickets go to Ticket Web, and for more information go to Sanctuary for Families.

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Brooklyn Back in the Day: 36th Street, 1980

January 15th, 2009 · Comments Off on Brooklyn Back in the Day: 36th Street, 1980

[Photo courtesy of Betty Blade/GL Flickr Pool]

This is 36th Street near corner of Church Avenue in 1980. The photographer writes, “I think this was an old gas station.”

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Weird Vid: A Walk at Dusk in the Brooklyn Snow

January 15th, 2009 · 1 Comment

The maker of this vid describes it as a “high strung” walk through the snow in Park Slope and Greenwood Heights.” Watch it and you’ll see what he means.

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Brooklyn Nibbles: Slope’s Olive Vine Little D for Sale Too

January 15th, 2009 · 9 Comments

While looking into Citadel Property Management‘s listing for Kitchen Bar, we also came across what looks like a “Reduced for Quick Sale!!” ad <strike>for the Mediterranean restaurant Olive Vine Cafe on 7th Avenue in the North Slope.</strike> Little D Eatery on  Seventh Avenue in the South Slope. According to their listing:

Turn-Key, Mediterranean-American Restaurant / Bar with outdoor garden for sale (Park Slope). Located on a busy strip in Park Slope known for its restaurant traffic, this 1000 sq ft establishment features a gorgeous 500 sq ft outdoor garden dining area. Turn-key, with a full liquor bar and fully transferable liquor license, the space is beautifully built out with simple yet classic décor. Dining area seats 35 with 7 at the bar, Garden seats 30. Kitchen is fully operational and prepared for service with 10 Vulcan Burners, Ansel Hood, Grills, Vulcan Convection oven, low-boy refrigeration. Full basement with prep area, liquor storage, walk-in-box and large office space. Restaurant has a huge neighborhood following and loyal customer base. This restaurant is located in a rapidly gentrifying family neighborhood and is priced to sell.

The asking price is $350,000 or the rent is $6,065 per month with a seven-year lease. The listing describes the restaurant as “Centrally Located, on a busy strip in Park Slope known for its restaurant traffic in a rapidly gentrifying family neighborhood.” In any case, this would be another blow to the Seventh Avenue businesses that have already seen their share of commercial establishments, new and old, go down the shitter in this economy.
E.C. Stephens

UPDATE: Thanks to our readers for pointing out the error. We apologize to Olive Vine and to our readers. The error was NOT made by E.C. Stephens, but by us while editing.

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Upcoming: GL Concert Calendar

January 15th, 2009 · Comments Off on Upcoming: GL Concert Calendar

And, now, a few musical selections to take us through the weekend:

Friday 1/16/09
BAM Café: MLK Weekend: Mama Africa- A tribute to Miriam Makeba (Poets/Singers/Musicians) Free!! 9:00pm

Saturday 1/17/09
Bell House: The Mugs, Robbers On High Street, Mussels, Chocopine (Indie Rock) $10, 8:00pm
BAM Café: MLK Weekend: PS24 (Hip Hop/Acoustic Folk) Free!! 9:00pm
Barbes: Smokey’s Roundup (Western Swing) $10, 10:00pm

Sunday 1/18/09
Barbes: Stephane Wrembel presents The Django Experiment (Gypsy Jazz) $10, 9:00pm
Bell House: Eli “The Paperboy” Reed (Soul/Gospel/R&B) Free!!, 8:00pm (In The Front Lounge)

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GL Train Week: The F at Night From Carroll Gardens to Fourth Ave.

January 15th, 2009 · Comments Off on GL Train Week: The F at Night From Carroll Gardens to Fourth Ave.

Lets face it, our lives in New York revolve around transportation. However it’s rare that we take a moment and really see the landscapes and scenery that are the foundation of our travels. Be it a ride to work or a trip to Brighton Beach, sometimes we forget that it’s all about the journey getting there. So, this week, we’re highlighting interesting Brooklyn subway videos from different viewpoints. Enjoy the rides.
E.C. Stephens

A little bit of night action on the F Train above Gowanus.

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GL Street Couch Series: Chair with Brewski

January 15th, 2009 · 2 Comments

[Photo courtesy of Miss Heather]

Yes, we know. This is clearly not a couch or a sofa. It is a chair, making it street furniture. What we like about this speciment from Diamond Street in Greenpoint is the beer on the chair. Looks like a Corona. No lime.

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Development Notebook: Roebling Oil Warehouse 11 Update

January 15th, 2009 · 2 Comments

The former Roebling Oil Building, which is what we named it because of the Roebling Oil Field that needed to be cleaned up before it could be built, is looking like one of the Burg’s less nauseating Hot Karl Fischer’s these days. Trees have been planted outside (will they survive?). A parking garage is under construction. And Part II is also under construction. We’re curious to see how deep they dig and what shows up if and when they do.

More pics ahead.

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Brooklinks: Thursday Keep A Way Edition

January 15th, 2009 · Comments Off on Brooklinks: Thursday Keep A Way Edition

· City Will Use Federal Money to Repair Homes and Prevent Blight [NYT]
· Man Gets 15 Years on Gun Charges in Killing of Brooklyn Officer [NYT]
· Avalon Myrtle Going Up Fast [Brownstoner]
· Famed BK Camera Store Bait-and-Switch Finally Busted? [McBrooklyn]
· IDT Energy Scammers Busy in Flatbush [Flatbush Gardener]
· Bushwick House of the Week [BushwickBK]
· Local Resident Writes City Planning About Gowanus Rezoning [PMFA]
· Sunset Park Tame, Parking-Wise [BVIB]
· Filmore Place Added to LPC Calendar [WGPA]

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Brooklyn Nibbles: South Slope’s Kitchen Bar on Cutting Board

January 15th, 2009 · 8 Comments

The Kitchen Bar at 687 6th Avenue in South Park Slope is on the market. It’s been listed on Citadel Property Management Corp. commercial sales for a while now, and now it’s price has been chopped and it’s even listed on Craigslist! Citadel is offering to sell the business for $225,000 or lease the space to a qualified applicant. This is a sad note for a restaurant that has a popular following and seemed to be doing well as evidenced by their new venture the recently opened Toby’s Public House, also on 6th Avenue. According to Citadel’s website:

Established Neighborhood Bar / Restaurant for Sale in Rapidly Developing South Slope (Brooklyn)

Turn Key, beautifully built out restaurant / bar with full liquor license and loyal neighborhood customer base. The Restaurant is approx 800 sq ft. seating 50 at 17 tables with 8 seats at the bar (74 capacity). Dining atmosphere is warm, intimate and energetic. Restaurant features weekly wine tastings, Live music and an eclectic seasonal menu. Kitchen and bar are fully operational with all new equipment. Purchaser will receive brand new 10 Year with 5 year option at an amazing rental rate of $3750 per month.

All this makes us wonder about this end section of Park Slope. Living Room Bar closed last year, yet many new wine and grastropubs have emerged: Euro Trip, Vin Rouge, Quarter, Safe Haven, Ellis. Are we now moving backwards? Who will be next to pop up on the chopping block?
E.C. Stephens

→ 8 CommentsTags: Brooklyn Nibbles · South Slope

The Red Hook Difference: A Rooster Up for Adoption

January 15th, 2009 · 2 Comments

One of our oldest Red Hook sources sent us a link to this ad on Craigslist yesterday that made us laugh out loud. It is from CL’s “farm and garden” section (who knew?) and concerns a rooster in the neighborhood that needs a new name. For some godawful reason the rooster’s name is Alicia Jr. In any case, here it is:

Free Rooster named Alicia Jr. (Red Hook)
You get the picture? Alicia Jr. is 7mo. old and prefers relocation to a sunny farm or some sort of mascot position. He was (obviously) sexed incorrectly. Hand-tame, organically fed, clean and quite the showman.
The good people of Craigslist flagged my posting down in “free stuff”. I’m assuming this is due to the “no household pets” clause, but a rooster (by it’s very definition) is not a household pet. I want to stress that I do not consider this fine bird to be “stuff” at all. He was purchased from a legitimate farm supplier and needs to be relocated. Please be mindful of this because he will inevitably be forced to finish his days as someone’s dinner if I’m unable to find him a home before the neighborhood files a formal complaint. I’ll remove posting when he’s gone.

Anybody out there need a rooster?

→ 2 CommentsTags: Animals · Red Hook

Controversial Dock Street Project Approved by Community Board

January 15th, 2009 · 1 Comment

The controversial Dock Street project proposed by David and Jed Walentas’ Two Trees Management inched closer to approval last night with a 30-7 vote in favor of the project by Community Board 2. The board Education Subcommittee had voted in favor of the project, but its Land Use Subcommittee had voted against it. Earlier this week, a Two Trees spokesperson had written that “Numerous land use and design professionals and hundreds of community members have stated that Dock Street Dumbo is well-designed and contextual. We believe that it is the right project in the right place at the right time.” The 18-story project would include a public middle school. It has been bitterly opposed by some community members who say it will block historic views of the Brooklyn Bridge. The building would have about 400 rental units, about 20 percent of which would be affordable. The Community Board vote is just one part of a long process. The building still has to work its way through the land use review process and be approved by the City Planning Commission, the City Council and the Mayor. An earlier attempt by the Walentases to build a developmentthe 18-story project would block views from and of the Brooklyn Bridge and the Brooklyn Paper has written an article in which it says views wouldn’t be that obstructed by proposed building after all. Now, tonight, the full board of Community Board 2 will convene for a final vote on the project, which includes roughly 400 apartments (20% of which would be affordable) and a public middle school. And even though its decision carries no legal weight (merely advisory), breaths are bated on both sides. Jed Walentas even wrote a letter to the board earlier this week that included this rendering intended to address the criticism that Dock Street would be as big a blight on the Brooklyn side of the bridge as the Verizon building is on the Manhattan side. Regardless of the outcome of tonight’s vote, the matter will work its way through the ULURP food chain, from borough president to City Planning to City Council to the Mayor. An earlier effort by the Walentases to build a project on the site was rejected several years ago. Opposition to the project is being led by the Dumbo Neighborhood Association and City Council Member David Yassky. Council Member Tish James is strongly in favor of the project.

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Slideshow: Public Visions for Coney Island

January 15th, 2009 · 1 Comment

The Municipal Art Society held its session to talk about its recommendations for redeveloping Coney Island, which we summarized on Curbed yesterday, and to showcase some of the ideas and renderings that members of the public had submitted. We were unable to attend the meeting due to a previously scheduled personal commitment, but one attendee described the meeting as “a smokescreen” that avoided the most pressing Coney Island issues. Do check out the slideshow. It’s riveting in its own odd way. The rezoning process is poised to take a big step forward next week as well. What is troubling, as we stated at length yesterday and on several other occasions are realistic plans to keep Coney Island a viable place until the current economic and financial crisis resolves itself over the next five years or more. Until then, grand visions are meaningless and egotistical self-congratulatory exercises. The point is how to keep Coney Island from becoming a huge school bus parking lot with large parcels of land controlled by a vindictive landlord practicing a Vietnam-like “we had to destroy it in order to save it” strategy.

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In the Pool: Coney Sunset

January 15th, 2009 · Comments Off on In the Pool: Coney Sunset

[Photo for GL courtesy of Deborah Matlack]

Nevermind that yesterday was one of the colder days of the winter and that it must have been absolutely brutal on the Pier in Coney Island around dusk with the wind coming off the water. GL Contributor Deborah Matlack was out there and this is the magnificent image she captured.

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A Reason to Live: Markowitz State of the Borough Address

January 15th, 2009 · Comments Off on A Reason to Live: Markowitz State of the Borough Address

Thank God for this. We now have a reason to live. Borough President Marty Markowitz will be delivering his State of the Borough Address on Thursday, February 12 at 7PM. It will take place at Kingsborough Community College at the Leon M. Goldstein Performing Arts Center, which is located at 2001 Oriental Boulevard in Manhattan Beach. The press release says that “entertainment” starts at 6:45, followed by the bloviations remarks of the Beep at 7. He usually announces a new idea or program during the address, so we have to make sure to keep ourselves alive at least until the 12th. It is totally untrue that Mr. Markowitz will propose the See Ya Red Hook Initiative which would involve demolishing everything in the neighborhood except Ikea and building the galaxy’s biggest indoor shopping center and theme park called Dubai in the Hook.

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