Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Support the Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment with "Eco-Shopping"

October 29th, 2007 · Comments Off on Support the Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment with "Eco-Shopping"


We love the work that the Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment does with education activities and tours for both adults and children about New York’s natural and built environment. We found about shopbcue.org through Sustainable Flatbush. The BCUE site provides links for businesses–most of them very eco-friendly–that will donate up to 25 percent of the proceeds of a sale to BCUE. iTunes and eBay on the list. It’s definitely worth checking out.

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Tis the Season: Monday Before Halloween Edition

October 29th, 2007 · Comments Off on Tis the Season: Monday Before Halloween Edition

Fifth Avenue Halloween
Park Slope, Brooklyn

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Bklink: A Park Slope Ghost Story

October 29th, 2007 · Comments Off on Bklink: A Park Slope Ghost Story

“Footsteps. Nothing but footsteps, loud and clear, walking the length of the brownstone apartment above. A constant pacing that started near the front door, walked to the opposite end of the house, turned and walked back to the door.”–Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn

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Carroll Gardeners Not Giving Up at 360 Smith Site

October 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Carroll Gardeners Not Giving Up at 360 Smith Site

noquitting 002a

Since May, a wall at the Caroll Street subway stop that would be part of the controversial 360 Smith Street development has become the venue for all sorts of posting by building opponents. This is the latest protest poster that has gone up, basically putting out the message that the opposition still has questions and hasn’t gone away. If you haven’t seen the wall, we highly recommend it as an example of colorful grassroots activism. We note this latest work has a earthy colors appropriate to the season. You can check the CORD blog here.

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Disconnected in Brooklyn on Craigslist: What’s Up at Jury Duty?

October 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Disconnected in Brooklyn on Craigslist: What’s Up at Jury Duty?

For this week’s Brooklyn Craigslist Missed Connection, we turn to jury duty. We don’t know what’s going on at the courthouse downtown, but we found not one, but two, ads posted within a couple of hours of each other. There was this one:

jury duty brooklyn bumblefuck – w4m – 26
you had to move over so i could plug in my laptop, and we chatted before you were dismissed. later i noticed you walking in front of me at fulton mall and i turned into a bumbling fool.

well, sir, i found the G train after all and i keep wishing i had given you my number. if you want it, it’s yours.

And this one:

jury duty brooklyn – m4w – 28
We were both waiting to be called in, you got the call, I didn’t. You were striking with brown hair and a tan sweater over a striped shirt. I had a beard, glasses and a tie. If only that court house didn’t seem so creepy…

So, possibly, they could get with each other if they don’t find their respective jury duty missed connections?

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Bklink: Slope’s Community Book Store Friends

October 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Bklink: Slope’s Community Book Store Friends

Park Slope’s Community Book Store on Seventh Avenue has many friends, including six people that have invested $10,000 each to help keep the store open. one of the investors is actor John Turturro.–NYT

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On the Sofa: GL Reader Comments

October 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on On the Sofa: GL Reader Comments

Once a week we highlight some comments left behind during the previous week by GL readers. Here are some selections from the last seven days:

Williamsburg Loft Tenants Get $35,000 & $65,000 Con Ed Bills “another sensationalist story about injustice served up over in wburg by our good forthright friends at GL, who never fail to pass along any whisper that might advance their anti-developing brooklyn agenda.” [Anonymous]

Columbia Street Housing Discussion to Become More Vocal “I think that this area desperately needs new housing. The little business nearby can last much longer on the bums that live on that block currently. Seems like a good thing in my opinion *and I live 3 blocks away.” [Anonymous]

Park Slope Dog Beach Dachshund Attack Update “Maybe… it was just a horrible accident. Accidents happen. There doesn’t always need to be someone, or something, to blame. Instead of directing anger, try feeling compassion for how upset the dog walker and dog owner must feel, how upset the attacked dog is and how unstable the dog that attacked was. Everything these days is blame, blame, blame. Try understanding and compassion and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel.” [Red Hook]

Dog Attacks Another at Park Slope Dog Beach “‘i wonder if you got permission from the posters on [Park Slope Parents] to reprint their messages on your blog? It’s illegal to do so if you have not.’ enlighten us. what law is being broken?” [Anonymous]

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Brooklinks: Sunday Lite Edition

October 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Brooklinks: Sunday Lite Edition

Fall on Kent

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GL Sunday TV: Halloween

October 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on GL Sunday TV: Halloween

Given the season, a few YouTube Brooklyn Halloween-related vids seem appropriate today.

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No Rain Today: Some Sunday Halloween Stuff

October 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on No Rain Today: Some Sunday Halloween Stuff

Here are some Sunday Halloween events, which are especially compelling because the weather is much nicer today. For a really good list of events in Brooklyn, see A Child Grows in Brooklyn.

Brooklyn Botanic Garden Ghouls and Gourds. Noon-6PM. They’ll have children’s bands, thai pumpkin carving, costume making contests and more. There will even be a parade for kids with a band and banners.

Dumbo: Fourth Annual Halloween Parade. Starts at 4PM. It’s the annual parade around Brooklyn Bridge Park. Adults, kids and pets in costume (or not in costume) accepted. There’s a Halloween Party from 4:30-6:00PM Toro, which is at 1 Front Street.

Greenpoint Town Square’s Kids Halloween Parade + Party. From 4PM-7PM. It kicks off at 176 Java Street (Manhattan Ave. & McGuinness) at 4 PM. The parade goes down Manhattan Ave with the NYPD Jazz band. There’s a party afterward at 176 Java Street with arts and crafts, food, drinks, games and music. The party is $5 admission for children.

North Flatbush Halloween Spooktacular. From Noon-4PM at the Brooklyn’s Bear’s Garden. There will be a Scary Garden, facepainting, scarecrow making, pumpkin decorating, apple bobbing, storytelling and more. Free.

Mother Cabrini Park 6th Annual Halloween Bash. 10AM-Noon. In Mother Cabrini Park, which is at President and Van Brunt Street. Costumes, games, face painting and a lot more.

Eighth Annual Fort Green Park Halloween Festival including the Great Pupkin. (Postponed from Yesterday.) 12 noon to 4:00 pm. The Festival will feature hayrides, face-painting, inter-active children’s music and dance, games and prizes plus live entertainment, culminating in a children’s costume parade. At 12:15 Cirque Boom Stilt Walkers and Jugglers will herald the event as The Great Pupkin Dog Costume takes place at top of the park near the monument. 12:15 Pumpkin Patch opens. 12-4 Hands on children’s art activities- decorating pumpkins and reusable canvas bags.12:15-3:15 “Haunted House Hallway” (incorporated into back of the stage) Open. Face painting 12:30-3:30. 12:30- “Games of Skill” and sack-races will commence- We have lots of prizes to give out. 1:00 The Haywagon will begin circling the main lawn. 3:30 Children’s Costume Parade and Contest. ON STAGE: Inter-active music with Fusha Dance Company 12:30-1:30 OpusDitty and the Hoedown Gang 1:30-2:30.

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Gowanus Lounge Photo Du Jour, Part II: New York is Dead

October 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Gowanus Lounge Photo Du Jour, Part II: New York is Dead

New York is Dead Again
Williamsburg, Brooklyn

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Bklink: 7th Ave. Sushi Spot to Sleep with Fishes

October 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Bklink: 7th Ave. Sushi Spot to Sleep with Fishes

There are only a few more days to get your sushi on at Inaka Sushi House on 7th Avenue. Reader reports say it’s closing at the end of October. Another victim of change.–OTBKB

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Gowanus Lounge Photo Du Jour, Part I: Study Time

October 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Gowanus Lounge Photo Du Jour, Part I: Study Time

Study Time
Williamsburg, Brooklyn

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Bklink: Is the Port Authority Lying About the JFK Cats?

October 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Bklink: Is the Port Authority Lying About the JFK Cats?

This is not a Brooklyn story, but it is a deeply bothersome story: The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals thinks the Port Authority is lying when it says the feral JFK cats it is trapping won’t be killed. The Alliance’s s Jane Hoffman says it is “lying to the public by saying these animals will somehow be miraculously adopted.”–Gothamist

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Wolfgang, the Dachshund Attacked at Dog Beach "Alive & Well"

October 27th, 2007 · Comments Off on Wolfgang, the Dachshund Attacked at Dog Beach "Alive & Well"

The owner of the dachshund that was attacked and nearly killed in Prospect Park at the dog beach this week by another dog left a comment late last night on one of our posts. We think it’s worth sharing here:

I am the owner of the dachshund. He is a mini wirehaired named Wolfgang with a gentle and sweet nature. He obviously wanted to live and is alive today. I want to thank, very specifically, Manny Cabezas, who had the skill, wherewithall and passion to run with him when it seemed that all was lost, to the nearest vet. Also, to stay with him and help et him on to the next step, Animalkind and Dr. Patil, who helped to stabilize and keep him going until we got him to the Manhattan Animal Center in Manhattan.

He will probably never go to the park again because I can’t take the chance that he will be put in such a vulnerable position. For all the innocent animals, children and others this is a travesty.

Thank you all for your concern and your best wishes

We’re glad to know that Wolfgang survived.

(The photo above is not Wolfgang, but is a mini wirehaired dachshund.)

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Rumor Report: Coney Boardwalk to be Repaired?

October 27th, 2007 · Comments Off on Rumor Report: Coney Boardwalk to be Repaired?

Boardwalk Damage

Here’s an interesting tidbit to ponder on a dreary and wet Saturday when summer finally seems far, far way: A poster known as coneyislandbarker reports on the Coney Island Message Board that he was on the Coney Island Boardwalk yesterday and that two workers marking up the boardwalk told him the entire boardwalk was going to be replaced “starting next year.” It is most likely a crazy rumor given the big price tags that have been attached to a replacement of the “entire boardwalk,” but it’s entirely possible that a key part or two might be fixed before next season. There is added speculation that the segment to be repaired is a block of the boardwalk between Stillwell Avenue and W. 12th Street. It is, in fact, one of the most deteriorated and heavily used of all the segments. We hope they use common sense and do everything from Astroland to Stillwell Avenue. It is even possible that a private funder could step up to underwrite some of the cost.

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Crossing the Gowanus on a Zip Line

October 27th, 2007 · 1 Comment

We have nothing to add to this except to say that we wouldn’t want to do it, no matter how much we like the Gowanus, and even wearing a harness and if the six-pace of Mountain Dew has been rigged.

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Prospect Park Halloween Events Still On

October 27th, 2007 · Comments Off on Prospect Park Halloween Events Still On

We just got an email from Eugene Patron at the Prospect Park Alliance, who always keeps us up to date about goings on in park. He writes to say that “as of 9:30am we’re still on. Even if some activities end up get scaled back there is still events at Audubon, Lefferts and the zoo.” The main issue in question is the Haunted Walk, but it is going forward. So all the information is one place, here’s a recap of today events, which run from Noon-3PM:

The Haunted Walk is free and is suitable for young children accompanied by parents/guardians or older siblings. The Haunted Carnival takes place on the the Nethermead and features games, music, hay and pony rides and performances. Enter the Park at the Prospect Park Southwest and 16th Street entrance. Plus, on Saturday and Sunday: Haunted Carousel, 12-5 p.m. Chilling music, ravens, bats, and spiders make a spin on the Carousel the perfect Halloween treat. $1.50.Plus, there will be Scary Stories from the Past at 2PM and 3PM at the Lefferts Historic House as well as Skeleton Cut-Outs from 1PM-4PM. The Audobon Center will have “Creepy crafts, live critters and hands-on experiments.” and there will be activities at the Prospect Park Zoo including “Boo at the Zoo” from 10AM-5:30PM: “Go batty for Halloween with activities like face painting, craft making, encounters with “spooky” creatures and a trip through the Zoo’s legendary haunted barn.

The events at toward the bottom are the ones that won’t be as affected by the weather. You can see the full schedule by clicking here. And, once again, the best guide to Halloween activities in Brooklyn is available here at A Child Grows in Brooklyn. You might want to check with the sponsors of any outdoor events scheduled today. The weather was an issue last year on the Saturday before Halloween too.

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Bklink: No Menus Please

October 27th, 2007 · Comments Off on Bklink: No Menus Please

The new “no menu” and “no fliers” signs that are going up around Boerum Hill and Carroll Gardens are certainly noticeable. We can’t wait to use them.–Pardon Me for Asking

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Wanted on Bedford Avenue

October 27th, 2007 · Comments Off on Wanted on Bedford Avenue

Wanted on Bedford

Retailing in Williamsburg still has that home-spun, non-corporate touch. These “Wanted for Shoplifting” fliers have been up for a while in store windows on Bedford Avenue and surrounding streets.

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Brooklinks: Saturday Very Visual Edition

October 27th, 2007 · Comments Off on Brooklinks: Saturday Very Visual Edition

[Green Street Time Machine courtesy of chicapoquita/flickr]


Not Images:

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Construction Site Du Jour: Bedford Ave. Door of Death Welcomes

October 27th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Bedford Avenue Door of Death

This is 242 Bedford Avenue, which is reprising as a Construction Site Du Jour. Behind that partly open door on busy Bedford Avenue is a two-story (or so) drop. Records show that it’s owned by an array of LLCs, including one named Sky Lofts LLC. The architect of record is Henry Radusky, aka “Too Tall,” for some of the out-of-context work he has done. We believe this is being converted to condos, but it’s also possible they’re test modeling an indoor ski slope for the developers of Xanadu in Jersey and inviting the general public in to try it. So, here’s a question on this fall Friday: Is an open, unattended door on a busy street that leads to a two-story deep construction pit a, uh, violation of Department of Buildings regulations?

BONUS RETAIL/BUSINESS RUMORS: Interestingly, when we posted this at Curbed yesterday, one commenter noted that Commerce Bank‘s website notes that it will be opening a branch on Bedford Avenue at N. 4th Street. Another commenter said that Corcoran will be opening a big office in roughly the same spot. All very interesting. So, perhaps the Door of Death will eventually morph to the Door to the ATM or the Door to Pricey Real Estate for Sale.

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This the Season, Part II: Sitting Around

October 27th, 2007 · Comments Off on This the Season, Part II: Sitting Around

Halloween Sitting Around
Williamsburg, Brooklyn

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Upcoming: Step It Up at GAP

October 27th, 2007 · Comments Off on Upcoming: Step It Up at GAP

We heard from the local sponsors of a Step It Up Day 2007-National Day of Climate Action event, who are trying to get word out about their banner painting event for kids here in Brooklyn, and we’re glad to help. The email says, in part:

Please join me and tens of thousands of others across the country for the second Step It Up Day on Saturday, November 3rd in continuing our call for action from our leaders and presidential candidates…Join the Green Guide for Kids in Stepping It Up and taking action against global warming. All ages are welcome to this event to ask Who’s a Leader? Togetherwe will create a banner and display it at Grand Army Plaza infront of thousands of passerbys. Please spread the word to everyone you know and please come! There will be treats.

This event will take place on Saturday November 3 at 12:00PM at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn, NY.

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Bklink: Save the Kitties

October 27th, 2007 · 1 Comment

This is not a Brooklyn item, but it is a very upsetting story that you may have seen yesterday. You can contact the Port Authority to tell them what you think of their roundup of the feral cats at JFK and the fact that they could very well be put to death. Please help.–Gothamist

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