Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

A Park Slope "Children’s Boutique" That Won’t Hire Moms?

October 11th, 2007 · 8 Comments


We have been known to crack a joke or two about Park Slope moms and their big strollers. But this email from Park Slope parenting circles that was passed along to us by a reader isn’t funny, although it is oozing with nasty irony. It concerns an unnamed Park Slope kid’s shop alleged to be practicing something that sounds like employment discrimination against moms. Here is the email:

A week or so ago I was at one of our favorite local kids boutiques…picking up a birthday gift, and the woman behind the counter was talking loudly on the phone, and walking through the tiny store with the phone, about how she doesn’t hire mothers with children because “they are unreliable and they don’t show up.” She was going on about how she made an exception this one time, knowing she shouldn’t have done it, and now the woman’s babysitter didn’t show up and she had to work and this is why she’s going back to not hiring women with kids.

When she got off of the phone, I put the things I was going to buy back and asked if she was the owner. When she said yes I told her that after hearing that she doesn’t hire women with children I wouldn’t be shopping there anymore. Her response was that she did hire someone with kids this time, and look what happens when she does – they don’t show up!…The irony is, this woman makes her living off of CHILDREN’S boutiques!

We are not naive and we know that employment discrimination of this kind–and other kinds–goes on every day. All we can say in this case is: Won’t someone please, please let us know which kiddie shop doesn’t like moms with children as employees.

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"Stoned on St. Mark’s" in Prospect Heights

October 11th, 2007 · 1 Comment

What’s with the stories of late about people getting stoned? No, not the smoking weed kind of stoned (although, we had that too), but the people throwing rocks and things at other people kind of stoned. We came across this last night on the Prospect Heights Forum at Brooklynian:

On Saturday night my friend–a gentle man– on Underhill between Prospect and St. Mark’s was walking on St. Mark’s at 10:30 p.m. to pick up a takeout order at GEN on Washington when a group of teens startled him (to put it mildly) by suddenly hurling rocks directly at him. He ran to Gen and called 911. A sad tale.

Hopefully, that’s it on such tales for the week.

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Hanging No More: Stop Sign Fixed, Scaffold Collapse Candidate Not So Much

October 11th, 2007 · Comments Off on Hanging No More: Stop Sign Fixed, Scaffold Collapse Candidate Not So Much

Fixed Stop

The system works in one tiny case. Or, at least, the laws of coincidence do. We featured this “Hanging Stop Sign” at N. 9th and Wythe a couple of weeks ago. When we swung past the other day, we found it had been dutifully repaired, even if it’s a little low. No such luck with the nasty scaffolding outside 70 N. 9th Street. It’s still in an awful state, with hanging metal, and looks like either gravity or a nice breeze could bring pieces of it down at any moment. Our advice: Walk on the other side of the street.

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Brooklinks: Thursday Juxtaposition Edition

October 11th, 2007 · Comments Off on Brooklinks: Thursday Juxtaposition Edition


Brooklinks is a daily selection of Brooklyn-related information and images:

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Coney Island’s Trip-and-Fall Boardwalk Keeps Improving

October 11th, 2007 · Comments Off on Coney Island’s Trip-and-Fall Boardwalk Keeps Improving

Coney Boardwalk Sag

We are not going to get into an extended discussion of the appalling state of the Coney Island boardwalk again. We have done so many times before, for instance, here, here and here. Just this week, Kinetic Carnival returned to the subject. What will will say is that the problem is getting frightening in places and there are spots where people could plunge through at any moment. Even stopgap repairs aren’t keeping up with the rot. Here’s hoping for some off-season improvements, because it’s wrong for the city to allow a condition they know will hurt people.

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Upcoming: The 21st Annual BARC Dog Show & Parade

October 11th, 2007 · Comments Off on Upcoming: The 21st Annual BARC Dog Show & Parade

Oh, yes. The 21st annual BARC Shelter Parade and Show in Williamsburg is coming up on Sunday (10/14). The big dog parade kicks off at Noon at Wythe and N. 1st Street in Williamsburg. The show in McCarren Park starts runs from 1PM-5PM. Here’s a bit from BARC:

We’ll march proudly down Bedford Avenue with music and floats to McCarren Park in support of BARC and shelter animals. Costumes encouraged for both dogs and people! As an extra incentive, this year we will be offering cash prizes for the best superhero costumes.

After the parade winds down in McCarren Park, come enjoy a day of food, music, and friendship at our annual Dog Show. You can enter your pup in a variety of catagories to win dog-friendly treats and prizes, or you can just hang out in the company of other BARC supporters and animal lovers.

And if you’re interested in adopting a shelter animal, BARC shelter dogs will march in th parade and be around the park to meet.

You can check out our flickr set from last year’s parade here as well as our YouTube vid here.

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Argyle Marks Its Turf in "Park Slope"

October 11th, 2007 · Comments Off on Argyle Marks Its Turf in "Park Slope"

Argyle Sign

We noted the coming of the marketing effort for the Argyle Park Slope condos last week. The banners recently went up at the construction site as well. According to the Department of Buildings website, there is still a Stop Work Order on the project for damaging an adjacent building. We personally don’t consider the address, which is on the Gowanus Canal side of Fourth Avenue, with part of the building going up on Seventh Street between Third and Fourth Avenues to be part of Park Slope, but that part of the neighborhoods is clearly the Slope for marketing purposes these days.

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Sackett Street Blunts and Stoop Drama

October 10th, 2007 · 26 Comments

After our post last week about kids tossing things at people and about “detritus” being flung in Boerum Hill, we got a compelling email from a resident about a different problem. This one is on Sackett Street between Clinton and Henry. They’ve even got a blog about it, which offers a fascinating chronicle of watching the block from the window. Here’s the email:

Though we haven’t been stoned, the block we live on, namely Sackett Street between Clinton and Henry, is the site of a continual problem we residents deal with on an almost daily basis: namely, local hoods who sit on other people’s stoops and smoke blunts and drink and, sometimes, antagonize/menace the neighbors. This summer alone, a friend had food thrown at her – granted, not a class-A felony, but nothing you want to happen to you in front of your home – after asking some thuggish type girls, who do live on the block, to sit on their own stoop. Every now and then there, when shipments are in (this weekend, probably, since it’s early month), there are numerous cars always pulling up, being met, and driving off. There have been other incidents, as well – including these stoopers going off on mothers, yelling and screaming and menacing – and since we moved in almost eight years ago, it has definitely gotten better.

So, does blunt smoking on the stoop increase or decrease property values?

Related Post:
Boerum Hill Stoners & People Heaving “Detritus”

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Gowanus is Full of…Little Fish

October 10th, 2007 · 2 Comments

Gowanus Fish-Oil

This is not the first time we’ve noted fish in the Gowanus, but it’s the first time we’ve had photos of them. We found these guys near the Carroll Street Bridge and there were literally hundreds, if not thousands, of them. We noticed them because some were jumping out of the water at leaves floating on the surface that they thought were food. (We could insert a joke here about the fish jumping and the oil in the top shot, but the Gowanus has taken enough of a beating lately.) Unfortunately, many of these fish are involuntary visitors to the Gowanus, getting sucked into the flushing tunnel intake in the Buttermilk Channel and ending up in the canal, but the overall point that we make often whenever we run photos showing the life around, on and in the Gowanus is that the improved conditions of the last decade really do support a variety of creatures.

Gowanus Fish One

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For Sale By Owner in Greenpoint: Home Office Included

October 10th, 2007 · 2 Comments

62 Box One

This is 62 Box Street. It is what is known in the trade as a FSBO or Fizzbow, if you will. The images come from our Greenpoint Correspondent, the ever-observant (and always with-camera) Miss Heather. It includes a very nice home office, which is in the photo below, as well as a big bowl on the steps that we are led to believe is (a). being used for certain bodily functions and (b). not a very pleasant thing to behold. It is in the same block as 48 Box Street, which despite a Stop Work Order is the beneficiary of Immaculate Construction. But we digress. This post is about a Quality of Life Eyesore as opposed to a Quality of Life Construction Problem.

62 Box Two

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Atlantic Yards Gets Another Day in Court

October 10th, 2007 · Comments Off on Atlantic Yards Gets Another Day in Court

There was a hearing yesterday before a panel of three judges of the Second Circuit Appellate Court about the Atlantic Yards eminent domain case. Atlantic Yards Report’s Norman Oder described the judges as “engaged but skeptical” and noted the argument ran beyond the allotted time. At issue is whether the eminent domain suit, which was dismissed earlier this year by a US District Court Judge, goes back to District Court for a trial. The suit challenging the use of eminent domain to take property to build the Atlantic Yards projects is the most prominent and critical of the cases brought against the development. Here are links to some of the coverage of yesterday’s court session:

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Brooklinks; Wednesday Midweek Edition

October 10th, 2007 · Comments Off on Brooklinks; Wednesday Midweek Edition

Carroll Street Bridge Pastoral

Brooklinks is a daily selection of Brooklyn-related information and images:

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Brooklyn Nibbles: Beso Closure Update

October 10th, 2007 · 4 Comments

There’s a bit more information to report on the closure of Beso–the Fifth Avenue spot that was loved by some and less loved by others. Yesterday, we reported that a source had said the restaurant was closing because of a rent increase. That tidbit was both right and wrong. The restaurant is toast, however, it has nothing to do with rent. A source deep inside the Beso executive suite has told us–and we are simply reporting what an insider says–that the owners are “tired” of running the eatery and are closing it. They own the building, we are told, and they are the ones that will be renting the space. As we noted yesterday, the adjacent Associated supermarket is likely to take over both the Beso space and the coffee shop next door, according to our source. Our source notes that the Beso owners are looking into opening another eatery, perhaps a Mexican restaurant in Prospect Heights.

[Photo courtesy of Silk Cut/flickr]

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Say What–Alternate Side of the Street Stickers

October 10th, 2007 · Comments Off on Say What–Alternate Side of the Street Stickers

Say What--Stickered

We photographed and posted this Alternate Side of the Street Parking sign in Williamsburg both because of the profusion of stickers that it shows and because it shows many different layers of activity over time.

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Upcoming: DDDB Walkathon Reminder

October 10th, 2007 · Comments Off on Upcoming: DDDB Walkathon Reminder

Walk Don’t Destroy,” the Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn Walkathon Fundraiser is coming up this Sunday, October 14. It takes place from Noon-5PM, with registration at Noon and the walk from 1PM-2:30PM. This year, the walk will take place in Prospect Heights. Registration and Kick-Off is at Freddy’s Backroom, 485 Dean Street @ 6th Ave. The walk will go up Flatbush Avenue to Grand Army Plaza. It will circle the Plaza and go down Vanderbilt Avenue. The total distance is about 1.5 miles. Post-walk festivities are from 2:30PM-5:00PM at Soda Bar at 629 Vanderbilt. For more information and to register, click here. The proceeds support the ongoing DDDB legal fight against the Atlantic Yards development.

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Gowanus Lounge Photo Du Jour: Day Brightener

October 10th, 2007 · Comments Off on Gowanus Lounge Photo Du Jour: Day Brightener

Union Street Bridge Sunflowers
Union Street Bridge, Gowanus, Brooklyn

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Prospect Park Goes French

October 10th, 2007 · Comments Off on Prospect Park Goes French

Anyone that walks down Prospect Park West on Thursday around Ninth Street and notices a little commotion around 11AM will be happening upon a visit to the park by France’s Consul General and Parks Commissioner Adrain Benepe. The event is a celebration of the restoration of the Lafayette Monument (now you know what the large monument at the Ninth Street entrance is, if you’ve never paid attention). The guest of honor will be François Delattre, who is consul General of France in New York. The background info says, in part:

To honor the 250th anniversary of the birth of the Marquis de Lafayette (1757–1834), a group of French-American citizens, with the support and encouragement of the Consulate General of France, raised funds for the restoration of the Lafayette Monument at Prospect Park, Brooklyn. The nearly ten-foot-high bronze relief by Daniel Chester French (set in a picturesque pink granite stele designed by architect Henry Bacon), was erected in 1917 at the 9th Street and Prospect Park West entrance to the Park…Restoration work on the Lafayette Monument in Prospect Park was undertaken by the staff of the Parks Department’s Citywide Monuments Conservation Program. The Monument was initially conserved in 1988 through Adopt-A-Monument, a joint venture of the Municipal Art Society, the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation, and the NYC Art Commission.

So, next time you sit on the monument, you will know upon whom you are resting.

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Brooklyn Chatter: Does Time Warner Road Runner or Verizon DSL Suck More?

October 9th, 2007 · 7 Comments

There are few topics that provoke more reaction than the quality, or lack thereof, of internet service (except the Postal Service). So, we were amused to come across some emails getting at the topic of crappy internet service in Carroll Gardens & Boerum Hill and whether Road Runner is better or worse than Verizon DSL or vice versa. (What about FiOS? Well, that would seem to be an alternative that will take some time.) Regardless, here is some of the first email:

I have been having a serious problem with my internet connection for the last 2 weeks. Internet is part of my Time Warner Cable service. For the last 2-3 weeks it comes and goes. I have had 2 repairmen out who have said there’s nothing wrong. I’ve replaced the modem. And still this morning it was out for 2 hours. When I was on the phone with them just now the agent said that as far as he could see 10% of the modems in my immediate area were out at that time! That’s a ridiculously high percentage that regulators would like to know about!

And a response:

I was having connectivity problems for many months. On and off from minutes to hours to days…I got tired of calling, tired of waiting for repair to arrive, and it was preventing me from doing some of my job. I can’t imagine how people who always telecommute cope with the service disruptions.

Which leads us to an opinion about DSL:

Verizon can be a total nightmare. Ask anyone on Warren St. between Bond and Nevins. I also have a friend who has DSL who says it was great at first, but as they add more customers it has slowed considerably and goes out often. After all they don’t add cable. They just add demand. That is why most of us gave up on Verizon for phone service (or the lack of it).

It would seem to be a case of picking one’s poison and living with it. Our own experience with Road Runner is that it has been fairly reliable in the last eight or nine months after being nightmarish for five or six months before that. A technician was able to make some wiring-related tweaks that greatly improved reliability.

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Broolink Nibbles: Red Hot Beso Edition

October 9th, 2007 · Comments Off on Broolink Nibbles: Red Hot Beso Edition

[Photo courtesy of Silk Cut/flickr]

Today we have one death to report and one rumored death that turned out to be just that–a rumor.

1) Beso, the Fifth Avenue Latino spot, has gone to the big Tortilla De Huevos in the sky. It closed yesterday, reported because the landlord jacked up the rent significantly. (We hear it was by many, many thousands of dollars a month.) Speculation has already begun on which bank will open a branch in the space. (Just kidding. Or not.) The early rumor is that the Associated market next door will take over the space as well as the coffee shop next door and open an organic food department. The owner of the coffee shop–which we think has the best old school sign on Fifth Avenue–is said to be retiring.

2) Red Hot on Seventh Avenue is alive and well. A rumor had been making the rounds that it was closed as it had been closed for a couple of nights. Turns out the restaurant was only redoing its floors as part of a slight upscaling of the space. Red Hot is very much open, with the usual big sign with the usual specials taped to the front door.

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Fast Progress on Grand Army Plaza Anti-Death Measures

October 9th, 2007 · Comments Off on Fast Progress on Grand Army Plaza Anti-Death Measures


Will the pedestrian safety enhancements to Grand Army Plaza make life there potentially longer than is currently the case? Given how quickly the work is being done, everyone will find out sooner rather than later. The Department of Transportation’s plans–which are the result of hard work by the Grand Army Plaza Coalition–will include 11,000 square feet of new, landscaped pedestrian islands, a separated bike path, new crosswalks and pedestrian signals. There’s a video of the official announcement last week over at Streets Blog. The work is clearly being fast-tracked, as crews were out over the weekend. One can only hope the work will make crossing the street at Grand Army Plaza safer. As anyone that’s tried knows, it can be a harrowing experience.


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Coney Island #2: Astroland Open Again…for a Film Shoot

October 9th, 2007 · Comments Off on Coney Island #2: Astroland Open Again…for a Film Shoot

Coney Film Shoot Signs

There are not one, but two, film shoots going on in Coney Island right now. Yesterday, the new Fox series New Amsterdam was filming a “crime scene” inside of Astroland. (We will refrain from commentary.) New Amsterdam will air on Fox and it’s about in “immortal” NYPD homicide detective. There was a shoot for a movie called “The Code” setting up for a shoot tomorrow, possibly on Surf Avenue. The Code is described on IMDB as follows: “A veteran thief recruits a younger crook to help him pull off one final job in order to repay his debt to the Russian mob.”

Coney Movie Two

Coney Movie One

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Brooklinks: Tuesday Brooklyn View Edition

October 9th, 2007 · Comments Off on Brooklinks: Tuesday Brooklyn View Edition

Southern Brooklyn from Above

Brooklinks is a daily selection of Brooklyn-related information and images:

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Coney Island #1: Parks Dept. Test Markets Coney Water Park

October 9th, 2007 · Comments Off on Coney Island #1: Parks Dept. Test Markets Coney Water Park

Coney Hydrant

Yes, it’s a cheap shot and, possibly, even a stupid headline. But we found this hydrant open yesterday and gushing hundreds of gallons of water, approximately adjacent to where Thor Equities might build an indoor water park.

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As It Waits, Le Bleu Puts Out Table & Chairs

October 9th, 2007 · Comments Off on As It Waits, Le Bleu Puts Out Table & Chairs

Le Bleu Table-Chairs

It’s hard not to look at Hotel Le Bleu on Fourth Avenue in Gowanus and wonder if the hotel will ever open. The culprit is said to be some nasty lost paperwork issues with the Department of Buildings. The hotel’s original opening date was supposed to be around July 4. The revised opening date is November 2. Prices remain in the $300-$400 range, with the bulk in the $320-$350 range.) The table and chairs were outside next to the glassy lobby, offering views of the back and front parking lots.

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Some Neighbors Unhappy with Greenpoint’s Lost & Found

October 9th, 2007 · Comments Off on Some Neighbors Unhappy with Greenpoint’s Lost & Found

Most bars and clubs have their fans, and their detractors. While some of the latter are jaded drinkers looking for a better spot, a large number are neighbors dealing with noise outside and club goers projectile vomiting on their front steps. We take the case of this person who dislikes Lost & Found in Greenpoint. The email comes via the Community Board 1 email list:

I’m posting because I just called 311 to complain about excessively loud music coming from Lost & Found (113 Franklin Street at Greenpoint Avenue). The place usually always keeps its doors and windows open, and when they have live bands the noise is unbelievable — I live up Milton Street around the corner and I can hear it from here.

If you’re pissed about the loud music coming from the place, you should know that CB1 is considering its license renewal application at this Wednesday’s board meeting. (October 10 at 211 Ainslie Street/Manhattan Avenue, sign up to speak by 6:15.) Also, PLEASE call 311 to complain, AND please give your complaint number to the CB1 staff (718 389 0009). It really does help when CB1 can follow up on complaints, and we can all work with the local precinct to make sure the club’s behavior improves.

We wonder how many small dramas like this play out every day around Brooklyn.

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